Note: Wine based fuzzinf is integrated in AFL++ with the -W command line switch so the script in this repo is legacy but the examples are still valid
A set of helpers and examples to fuzz Win32 binaries with AFL++ QEMU
To fuzz Win32 PE applications with AFL++ QEMU you must ensure that your Linux distribution is able to run Wine without preloader.
Check it simply typing:
You need also python3 and the pefile package.
Clone the master branch of AFL++ and build qemu_mode (use CPU_TARGET=i386 for this example).
Copy the afl-wine-trace
script into the AFL++ path or export AFL_PATH.
Wine installs some signal handlers for exception handling but for fuzzing we want to disable them and let the fuzzed program crash.
Build unsigation with make and copy
into the same directory of afl-wine-trace
To fuzz a PE run it like in the following example with pnginfo.exe:
AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK=1 ~/AFLplusplus/afl-fuzz -i in/ -o out -d -m none -- ~/AFLplusplus/afl-wine-trace ./pnginfo.exe @@
AFL_SKIP_BIN_CHECK is needed cause afl-wine-trace is not a binary.
Without -m none
the probability that Wine generates an ENOMEM is high.
The following screen should be familiar to you:
Make sure that the program does not need user interaction, this is common for Windows programs. For an example on how to handle them when the interation is useless, the the djpeg example.