I'm Dmitry Volkov, a former Project/Product manager switched to BackEnd Development. I specialize in creating web applications, emphasizing an approach that avoids the use of JavaScript by employing the HTML over the wire approach (via HTMX Library) for better clarity and simplicity.
- BackEnd Languages: Python 3.8+, Go Lang
- Web Frameworks: Django, Django Rest (DRF), FastAPI, Flask
- API Design: REST, DTL (Django Templates), HTML over the wire
- Databases: PostgreSQL, SQLite, Redis, ClickHouse, TimeScaleDB
- FrontEnd: Bootstrap 5, HTMX, HTML, CSS
- Tools: ELK, ElasticSearch, Grafana, Prometheus
- Deployment: Docker & Docker Compose, K8S, Dokku, Ansible, Nginx
- Other: PyTest, GitHub Actions, CI/CD
Feel free to reach out to me on Telegram @n8creator