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Semantic Search

A super smart search engine that is designed to help you find precisely what you're looking for in the database. All of this is possible by combining traditional keyword-based search with advanced semantic analysis using cosine similarity algorithm, ensuring highly relevant results for every query.


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Running Locally

This application requires Node.js v18.20.1+.

Cloning the repository to the local machine:

git clone
cd semantic-search

Installing the dependencies:

pnpm install

Setting up the .env file:

cp .env.example .env

Configuring Drizzle:

pnpm drizzle-kit push:pg

Seeding the application:

pnpm drizzle:seed

Running the application:

pnpm dev

Tech Stack:


Learned a ton while building this project. All thanks to Josh for the next level (no pun intended) tutorial!

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