Nabih Estefan, Olivia Jo Bradley, Chris Allum, Oscar De La Garza, Isabella Abilheira, Maya Sivanandan
For the final FunRobo project, our team was tasked with creating a rover that could complete several missions in The O, the center courtyard of Olin's campus. The three main challenges were: Navigation of unobstructed terrain, Docking in a supply station, and Delivering a payload to a drop box. Besides this, our team decided to try and do 3 extra stretch goals: Navigate through stationary obstacles, park within the medium box of the supply station, and deliver our payload to a specific dropbox using April tags (with a possible one being finding payloads around the O and picking those up for extra deliveries). Of these, we were able to complete the first two during our demo, with the two payload stretch goals not being tried since the payload rules we're re-instated halfway through the development of the project, and stretching ourselves to complete these seemed unnecessary.
This repository holds the Software and CAD files required to assemble and program the Olin Planetary Rover designed by our group. It also has our Report detailing how we designed and built the robot and eventually got it to autonomously go around the Olin O.
We have also added a Images folder that includes all our photos from Demo Day.