Gawe is a Go library for processing background jobs using Go channels as FIFO queue to control job execution and worker instantiation.
go get -u
package main
import (
// RecordHistoryJob is a struct that comply to gawe.Job interface
type RecordHistoryJob struct {
ID string
Data string
var _ gawe.Job = (*RecordHistoryJob)(nil)
// JobID returns ID of the job (Usually used for logging)
func (j *RecordHistoryJob) JobID() string {
return j.ID
// JobType returns type of the job (Usually used for logging)
func (j *RecordHistoryJob) JobType() string {
return "record-history"
// Tags returns tags of the job (Usually used for logging)
func (j *RecordHistoryJob) Tags() []string {
return []string{"record", "history"}
// Exec execute the job
func (j *RecordHistoryJob) Exec(ctx context.Context) error {
var err error
// record history
return err
func main() {
engine := gawe.NewEngine(
gawe.WithMaxAttempts(3), // max attempts of job executions if failed
gawe.WithMaxQueueSize(100), // max queue size for jobs
gawe.WithMaxWorkers(4), // max workers run in the background
gawe.WithInactivityTimeout(5*time.Second), // a worker will stop running since last defined inactivity timeout after last job execution
job := &RecordHistoryJob{ID: "123abc", Data: "record"}
err := engine.Enqueue(context.Background(), job)
if err != nil {
// handle error
To create a plugin for the engine, create a struct that fulfill the Plugin interface then add it to gawe engine as an Option.
// Logger is a struct that comply to gawe.Plugin interface
type Logger struct{}
var _ gawe.Plugin = (*Logger)(nil)
// OnJobStart is called just before the job execution
func (l *Logger) OnJobStart(ctx context.Context, job gawe.IdentifiableJob) context.Context {
// return the (new) context to pass it to the next plugin/job
return ctx
// OnJobEnd is called once the job has successfully executed
func (l *Logger) OnJobEnd(ctx context.Context, job gawe.IdentifiableJob) {
// do stuffs
// OnJobError is called if the job execution failed
func (l *Logger) OnJobError(ctx context.Context, job gawe.IdentifiableJob, err error) context.Context {
// return the (new) context to pass it to the next plugin/job
return ctx
logger := &Logger{}
engine := gawe.NewEngine(gawe.WithPlugins(logger))
Released under the Apache License 2.0