This is the code to accompany our paper:
Uncovering personalized glucose responses and circadian rhythms from multiple wearable biosensors with Bayesian dynamical modeling (2023) Nicholas E. Phillips, Tinh-Hai Collet*, Felix Naef*. Cell Reports Methods, 3, 100545 (link)
The goal of this computational method is to learn interpretable, personal parameters from wearable time series data to reveal circadian rhythms and physiological responses to external stressors such as meals and physical activity. The package MSS uses TensorFlow Probability.
In our study we measured food and drink ingestion, glucose dynamics, physical activity, heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) in 25 healthy participants over 14 days.
We subdivide the problem of analysing the multiple signals by creating three successive mathematical models, where the models include different subsets of variables.
- Model 1: food + drink events, glucose CGM, circadian
- Model 2: physical activity, HR, HRV, circadian
- Model 3: food + drink events, glucose CGM, physical activity, HR, HRV, circadian
These three different models are implemented as part of the MSS package.
There are three different tutorials to help use the package:
- tutorials/tutorial.ipynb: please see the main tutorial Jupyter Notebook to see how to perform inference using the three models.
- tutorials/detrending raw glucose example.ipynb: this describes how to pre-process glucose CGM data via detrending.
- tutorials/Why add a 24-h rhythmic baseline to glucose?.ipynb: this provides an example to illustrate the motivation behind the underlying 24-hour baseline glucose rhythm in Model 1.
Please run the following code in the terminal to install the MSS package
git clone && cd MultiSensor
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate MultiSensor
pip install .
Uncovering personalized glucose responses and circadian rhythms from multiple wearable biosensors with Bayesian dynamical modeling (2023) Nicholas E. Phillips, Tinh-Hai Collet*, Felix Naef*. Cell Reports Methods, 3, 100545 (link)