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Run Dash License Tool Gradle Plugin

GitHub license Java version latest-release Gradle Plugin JavaCI

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This project provides Gradle integration to allow convenient download and execution of the Eclipse Dash License Tool


This project is not affiliated with the Eclipse Dash License Tool or The Eclipse Foundation. The copyright and license of the Eclipse Dash License Tool belong to their respective owners.


Minimal configuration


plugins {
    id "" version "<version>"

repositories {

Configuration properties

The plugin can be configured using the following DSL


runDashLicenseTool {
    //Set the version of the Dash License Tool we want to automatically download
    //and run
    toolVersion "+"
    //Whether we should include dependencies from runtimeClasspath
    includeProduction true
    //Whether we should include dependencies from testRuntimeClasspath
    includeTests true
    //Whether we should fail the build in case the Dash License Tool exits
    //with a non-zero status code
    failOnError false
    //Sets where we want to save the summary report
    summaryFile layout.buildDirectory.file("reports/dash-license/DEPENDENCIES").get().getAsFile()
    //Defines the batch size of the Dash API calls
    batchSize 500
    //Can override the Clearly Defined API URL
    clearlyDefinedUrl ""
    //Confidence threshold expressed as integer percent (0-100)
    confidence 60
    //Can override the Eclipse Foundation API URL
    eclipseFoundationApiUrl ""
    //Can override the URL of the approved licenses list
    approvedLicensesUrl ""
    //Perform a review (must also specify the project and token
    review false
    //Sets the timeout for HTTP calls (in seconds)
    timeout 30
    //The short name of the current Eclipse Foundation project
    eclipseProjectShortName ""
    //The repository URL of the current Eclipse Foundation project
    eclipseProjectRepoUrl ""
    //The GitLab authentication token
    gitLabAuthenticationToken ""