Releases: nahkd123/Endrex
This update basically makes Endrex run in Slimefun vDEV 902. If you're going to use this addon in your server, here're some information to know:
- This version force you to use Spigot 1.16+, and 1.15 or older will not work (you can try to edit plugin.yml tho, but it's not guaranteed to work well)
- Your server need Java 11 to use this addon.
Release v1.0.4-b1
Hello, I just did some small changes.
I also start thinking about rewrite the entire thing to make it faster and better, with less bug and cleaner code...
Release v1.0.3-b2
Hello, this is the build of Endrex v1.0.3. Basically there's no code changed (I'm wondering what's happening), but it should load fine.
Also I started thinking about creating Endrex2, because this version uses outdated/deprecated code.
Release v1.0.3-b1
Ahh yes, another release. This one remove some deprecated code and replace it with new one.
If it still doesn't work, consider turn on backward compatibility. Enjoy.
Release v1.0.2-b1
Hello, sorry for delay but the new Endrex is now available. Please note that this only works with the latest version of Slimefun and Spigot 1.15.2 or higher. (haven't tested on 1.16 yet)
Release v1.0.1 (Build #2)
ayy ayy yo, this is Endrex 1.0.2. It's appear that the new development version of Slimefun changed some few thing.
It's just another build to change references to the new version of Slimefun, no more features or anything. (a.k.a no changes in the code).
If you have an issue, consider reporting it in "Issues" tab. Thanks.
Release v1.0.1
ayy henlo there, this is Endrex v1.0.1. This is what I've done:
+ Fix the NPE problem (from the event listener)
+ Do refactoring
> nahkdSchematic2 ==> Schematic (now in nahkdschem2 package)
+ Add some JavaDocs (idk why but bruh)
+ Confirm that it's working fine
Release v1.0.0
Hello, this is the first release on this repo.