A graph implementation to do a check to see if two nodes are linked in O(1) time complexity.
- add 1 2
- remove 1 2
- is linked 1 2
- The implementation assumes that there would not be multiple links between 2 same nodes as there is no concept of weights in this situation. If we need to accomodate such a scenario, we could add a count to the neighbor list.
- The implementation assumes that only integer values would be passed in. So, i have not added checks for non-integer value to discard them as bad input.
Note: This is not a thread-safe implementation.
- Space Complexity: The Graph representation would take O(V+E) space. The intNodeMap would take O(V) space. The intClusterMap would take O(V) space as each node is mapped to a cluster and each Node could potentially map to its own cluster as worst case.
- Add link time complexity: Add would take O(V) time as it loops over all the clusters once and loops over nodes in one cluster once.
- Remove link time complexity: O(V+E) as we are doing a DFS using adjacency lists.
- 'Is linked' time complexity: O(1) as all the processing is done during add and remove.