- User
- Message
- Conversation
- User: Who create the message
- Content: Content of message
- Conversation: Conversation to whom the message belongs
- Conversations: Mapped By the field
in the conversation entity, so a conversation can have one lastMessage and Message can be the lastMessage of 2 conversations or more.
- Data: Name, Email, Passwoed, Enabled, Picture, ConfirmationToken and Roles
- Messages: The messages of the user
- Conversations: Where the user participates
- Users: The participants of the conversation
- LastMessage: The last message of the conversation
- Messages: The messages of the conversation
- OwnerId: Who created the conversation
- HomeController: Render the home page with
- SecurityController: Login, logout and reset passsword functionnalities.
- RegistrationController: Register the use and send email to verify the account.
- UsersController: Get all users.
- MessageController.
- ConversationController.
In the ConversationController
we have: