Task Manager app is built on NodeJS runtime that performs CRUD operations on users,tasks. Each user has a set of tasks and one user cannot access another user's tasks.
- Security implemented via JWT(to maintain sessions) and BcryptJS(one way hashable password security).
- Used npm module sendgrid to send welcome email (on creation of user) and unsubscribe email (on deletion of user)
- Database: MongoDB and corresponding Mongoose npm module for interaction via code.
- Robo3T for db manipulations.
- Multer for file uploads.
- Deployed on Heroku at https://task-manager-api-nancy-pitta.herokuapp.com
- This app doesnt yet have GUI to interact with yet.
To use:
- Create a user in Postman by providing the following in body and route:
POST {{url}}/users/create
"name":"<Your name>",
"email":"<Valid Email>",
This enables user to login.
2. Create a task in a similar manner at POST {{url}}/tasks/create
"description":"<Some description>",
- List tasks created by user at
GET {{url}}/tasks?completed=false&sortBy=createdAt:desc
- Read user info at
GET {{url}}/users/me
- Update user,Update Task , Delete User,Delete Task
- Enable user to upload profile picture.
- GUI to interact with