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Collaboratory for the evaluation, comparison and classification of (A)I


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[A]I Colaboratory

A Collaboratory for the evaluation, comparison and classification of (A)I !
👦👧👶 🐵🐙🐋 👾💻📱

This project is conceived as a pioneering initiative for the development of a collaboratory for the analysis, evaluation, comparison and classification of [A]I systems. This project will create a unifying setting that incorporates data, knowledge and measurements to characterise all kinds of intelligence, including humans, non-human animals, AI systems, hybrids and collectives thereof. The first prototype of the collaboratory will make it possible to study, analysis and evaluation, in a complete and unified way, of a representative selection of these sort of [A]I systems, covering, in the longer term, the current and future intelligence landscape.

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🚩 Table of contents

📃 Infraestructure

The collaboratory will integrate open data and knowledge in four domains:

  • Inventory of intelligent systems, which incorporates information about current, past and future systems, including hybrid and collectives, natural or artificial, from human professions to AI desiderata. They will be aggregated from individuals to species, groups or organisations, with populations and distributions over them.

  • Behavioural Test Catalogue, which will integrate a series of behavioural tests, the dimensions they measure and for which kinds of systems, the possible interfaces and testing apparatus. The catalogue, largely automated and accessible online, will help researchers apply or reproduce the tests.

  • Repository of experimentation, which will record the results (measurements) of a wide range of systems (natural, artificial, hybrid or collective) for several tests and benchmarks, as the main data source of the repository. Data will be contributed from scientific papers, experiments, psychometric repositories, AI/robotic competitions, etc.

  • Constructs of Intelligence Corpus, which will integrate latent and hierarchical models, taxonomical criteria, ontologies, mappings from low to high-level cognition, as well as theories of intelligence.

On top of the infrastructure there will be a series of exploitation tools where actual data science will take place, following state-of-the-art data exploitation tools but customised to the potential users of the repository:

  • Querying tools: query languages and interfaces for powerful (dis)aggregation and cross-comparisons, reuse of predefined multidimensional filters, trend analysis along time, heuristic search, etc.

  • Data analysis tools: a set of modelling tools from statistics and machine learning, integrating off-the-shelf analytical packages and specific analytical tools.

  • Visualisation tools: a set of interactive interfaces to perform projections, topological representations, depicting trajectories, visual categorisations, iconic representations, conceptual maps, ...

  • Collaborative tools: a platform such that new hypotheses, projects, educational material and research papers can evolve from the repository.

✏️ Design

📚 Database

Multidimensional Schema

Multidimensional perspective (over a relational database):

Multidimensial perspective

Example (simplified) of information stored in the multidimensional model:

DQN system, using the parameters of Mnih et al. 2015, 
is evaluated over Moctezuma game (from ALE v1.0) using 100,000 episodes, 
with a measured score of 23.3

Each dimension has a structure and captures (part of) the information / ontologies / constructs about intelligence / cognition / tests in the literature.

WHAT dimension (Behavioural Test Catalogue)

Entity tables:

  • TASK: Instances, datasets, task, tests, etc.
  • SOURCE: description, author, year, etc.
  • HIERARCHY: task hierarchy.
  • ATTRIBUTES: platform, format, #classes, format, etc.

Many-to-many relationships:

  • _IS: TASK belongs to TEST in SOURCE (PK: T x T x S)
  • _HAS: AGENT possess ATTRIBUTES (PK: T x A)
  • _BELONGS_TO: AGENT belongs to HIERARCHY (PK: T x H)

Examples of rows:

TASK "Moctezuma" _IS "Atari-Game" according to SOURCE "Bellemare et al., 2013"
TASK "Winogradschemas" _IS (requires) "Commonsense" (to some extent/weight) according to SOURCE "Levesque 2014".
TASK "Gv" (Visual Processing) _IS (composes) "G" (General Intelligence) according to SOURCE "Cattell-Horn_carroll" and _BELONGS_TO the HIERARCHY "CHC"

WHO dimension (Cognitive System Inventory)

  • Agent: Systems, architectures, algorithms, etc.

Entity tables:

  • AGENT: system, algorithm, approach, entity, etc.
  • SOURCE: description, author, year, etc.
  • HIERARCHY: agent hierarchy.
  • ATTRIBUTES: parallelism, hiperparameters, approach, batch, fit, etc.

Many-to-many relationships:

  • _IS: AGENT belongs to FAMILY in SOURCE (PK: Ag x F x S)
  • _HAS: AGENT possess ATTRIBUTES (PK: Ag x A)
  • _BELONGS_TO: AGENT belongs to HIERARCHY (PK: Ag x H)

Examples of rows:

AGENT "RAINBOW" _IS a "Deep Learning architecture" according to SOURCE "Hessel et al., 2013"
AGENT "weka.PART(1)_65" _IS "PART" technique according to SOURCE "OpenML".
AGENT "Human Atari gamer" IS " Homo sapiens" according to SOURCE "Bellamare et al., 2013" and _BELONGS_TO the HIERARCHY "Hominoidea"

HOW dimension (Experimentation Repository)

Entity tables:

  • METHOD: testing apparatus, CV, hs, noop, spliting, etc.
  • SOURCE: description, author, year, etc.
  • ATTRIBUTES: frames, estimation procedure, folds, repeats, frames, etc.

Many-to-many relationships:

  • _HAS: METHOD possess ATTRIBUTES (PK: M x A)

Examples of rows:

METHOD "Cross-Validation-Anneal" _HAS "5" number of folds and "2" repetitions according to SOURCE "OpenML"
METHOD "PriorDuel-noop" _HAS  "no-op actions" as procedure, "57" games in testing phase and "200M" training frames according to SOURCE "Wang et al, 2015"

Fact table


  • Results: score, accuracy, kappa, f.measure, recall, RMSE, etc.

Examples of rows:

"DDQN-v3.4 AGENT", using a "Dual DQN" approah, "human data" augmentation, "no" parallelism, and the hyperparameters of "Mnih et al. 2015", 
is evaluated over the TASK "Moctezuma" game which belongs to the benchmark "ALE 1.0",  
using as evaluation METHOD "100,000" episodes, "57" test games and "200M" training frames,
obtains a measured score of "23.3"


We use a free, lightweight, open source MySQL database.

MySQL ERR diagram


MySQL SQL Create script

SQL script

📁 Data

💻 AI

  • Games
  • Computer Vision
  • Medical
  • NLP
  • Speech
  • ...

👩 Human

  • ...

🙉 Animal (non-human)

  • ...

#️⃣ Code (R)

Database manipulation functions


  • connectAtlasDB() # Connection to the DB
  • select_all(TAB_NAME) # Return all data from table TAB_NAME
  • delete_all(TAB_NAME) # Delete all data from table
  • insert_row_table_id(DB, ROWDATA, ATTSDATA, TABLE, COLS, VERBOSE) # # Data insertion in DB by row (ROWDATA[,ATTSDATA]) in TABLE (COLS)
  • delete_Atlas() # Delete DB
  • send_SQL(DB, QUERY) # Send SQL and fetch the results
  • checkTable(TABLE, DIMENSION) # Check input data (TABLE) wrt a DIMENSION (input TABLES requirements described in section Usage)
  • insert_source(SOURCETABLE) # Insert SOURCETABLE in SOURCE
  • insert_method(METHODTABLE) # Insert METHODTABLE in METHOD and METHOD_HAS
  • insert_resuts(RESULTSTABLE, ids_AGENT, ids_TASK, ids_METHOD) # Insert RESULTSTABLE in RESULT (needs ids generated by the previous functions)




Data scraping

  • AICollab_Data_openML.R # Source code to scrape data from OpenML

🔨 Usage

Database population

A easy way to to populate the database with data from new case studies is to generate four flat tables (.csv) containing info about sources, agents, methods and results and then use:

insert_Atlas(sourceTable, agentTable, methodTable, taskTable, resultsTable)



name can be found in link and is described as follows (description).

Required fields:

  • name: identifier
  • link: url, DOI, etc.
  • description: further information


name link description
Best Linear The Arcade Learning Environment: An Evaluation Platform for General Agents
DQN Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
Gorilla Massively Parallel Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
... ... ...



A task is (weight) taks_is according to source, belongs to hierarchy_belongs, and has att_1 ... att_n attributes.

Required fields:

  • task: TAKS identifier
  • task_is: X (task) is/belongs to Y (task_is) according to Z (source)
  • weight: X (task) is Y (task_is) to some extent (weight between 0 and 1)
  • hierarchy_belongs: HIERARCHY the task belongs to (if not in the database, it will be created)
  • source: name of the SOURCE.
  • att_1 ... att_n: descriptive attributes (as many as necessary)
task task_is weight hierarchy_belongs source Year Genre Notes
Alien Atari 2600 game 1 Default Best Linear 1982 Action
Amidar Atari 2600 game 1 Default Best Linear 1982 Action licensed by Konami



An agent is (weight) agent_is according to source, belongs to hierarchy_belongs, and has att_1 ... att_n attributes.

Required fields:

  • agent: AGENT identifier
  • agent_is: X (agent) is/belongs to Y (agent_is) according to Z (source)
  • weight: X (agent) is Y (agent_is) to some extent (weight between 0 and 1)
  • hierarchy_belongs: HIERARCHY the agent belongs to (if not in the database, it will be created)
  • source: name of the SOURCE.
  • att_1 ... att_n: descriptive attributes (as many as necessary)
agent agent_is weight hierarchy_belongs source Date_Start Date_End Authors Approach Human_Data Replicability HW Parallelism Workers Hyperparameters Rewards
DQN Deep Reinforcement Learning 1 Default DQN 2013-12-19 2013-12-19 7 DQN Yes 1 GPU No 1 Learned Normalised
Gorilla Deep Reinforcement Learning 1 Default Gorilla 2015-07-15 2015-07-15 14 DQN Reused 1 GPU Yes 100 Learned Normalised



A testing procedure method is described in source having the following att_1 ... att_n attributes.

Required fields:

  • method: METHOD identifier
  • source: name of the SOURCE.
  • att_1 ... att_n: descriptive attributes (as many as necessary)
method source Procedure Games_Train_Params Frames_Train Frames_Train_Type Games_Test
DQN best DQN Other 7 50 M 7
Gorila Gorilla hs 5 200 M 49



An agent obtains result (metric) in task using the testing procedure method

Required fields:

  • agent: AGENT identifier
  • task: name of the SOURCE.
  • method ... att_n: descriptive attributes (as many as necessary)
agent task method result metric
DQN Beam Rider DQN best 5184 score
DQN Breakout DQN best 225 score
DQN Enduro DQN best 661 score
DQN Pong DQN best 21 score
Gorilla Alien Gorila 813.5 score
Gorilla Amidar Gorila 189.2 score
Gorilla Assault Gorila 1195.8 score
Gorilla Asterix Gorila 3324.7 score

Database querying

Some examples...

📙 References

  • Sankalp Bhatnagar, Anna Alexandrova, Shahar Avin, Stephen Cave, Lucy Cheke, Matthew Crosby, Jan Feyereis, Marta Halina, Bao Sheng Loe, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Huw Price, Henry Shevlin, Adrian Weller, Alan Wineld, and José Hernández-Orallo, Mapping Intelligence: Requirements and Possibilities, In: Müller, Vincent C. (ed.), Philosophy and Theory of Artificial Intelligence 2017, Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics (SAPERE), Vol 44, ISBN 978-3-319-96447-8, Springer, 2018.

  • Sankalp Bhatnagar, Anna Alexandrova, Shahar Avin, Stephen Cave, Lucy Cheke, Matthew Crosby, Jan Feyereis, Marta Halina, Bao Sheng Loe, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Fernando Martínez-Plumed, Huw Price, Henry Shevlin, Adrian Weller, Alan Wineld, and José Hernández-Orallo, A First Survey on an Atlas of Intelligence, Technical Report, 2018.

💪 Credits

[A]I Collaboratory is ...

👐 Call for editors/contributors

We're open to suggestions, feel free to message us or open an issue. Pull requests are also welcome!

[A]I Collaboratory Workshop TBA!

❤️ Acknowledgements

European Commission's AI Watch


European Commission's HUMAINT project within the JRC's Centre for Advanced Studies


Universitat Politècnica de València (Vicerrectorado de lnvestigación, lnnovación y Transferencia)



Collaboratory for the evaluation, comparison and classification of (A)I







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