Creating a pokemon battle app using React.js and GraphQl queries to external API
Honestly just an way to get exposed to React hooks, so not super polished, will update in the future with more features too.
I was inspired to make a pokemon battle app from this React tutorial:
The app chooses two pokemon that enter into a battle. Pokemon HP left, turn, and messages are kept as state variables This is an an excercise in learning React Hooks and functional components instead of class components
The pokemon container and cards are taken from the tutorial. Repo can be found at
The battle container chooses 2 pokemon from the graphQL query and sets them up into a battle. Click do move to choose one of the moves at random until a pokemon is defeated.
- Allow user to choose two pokemons themselves to face off
- Allow user to choose which move is used
- Pretty up the Battle UI once above functionality is set