by Oscar Toledo G. Mar/02/2020.
It's compatible with 8088 (the original IBM PC)
If you want to assemble it, you must download the Netwide Assembler (nasm) from
Use this command line:
nasm -f bin lights.asm -l rogue.lst -o lights.img
nasm -f bin lights.asm -Dcom_file=1 -o
The computer will choose a sequence, and then you must enter the same sequence of numbers by pressing these on the keyboard.
The sequence then will be repeated with an added number, you win the game when you reach a sequence of 31 lights.
If you want to learn 8086/8088 programming then you must get this book including a 8086/8088/V20 crash course!
- Guess the number.
- Tic-Tac-Toe game.
- Text graphics.
- Mandelbrot set.
- F-Bird game.
- Invaders game.
- Pillman game.
- Toledo Atomchess.
- bootBASIC language.
After the success of my first book, if you need even more boot sector games then you must get this book!
- Follow the Lights
- bootRogue
- bricks
- cubicDoom
- bootOS