These are my personnal dotfiles for my laptop which is running on Debian Buster (stable) and is using i3wm.
Lenovo ThinkPad T470 i5-6300U CPU 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD.
Graphical environment
i3wm: tiling window manager
Console environment
firefox: web brower
- decentraleyes: protect against tracking content delivery
- grammalecte: French grammar checker
- https-everywhere: enable HTTPS automatically
- uBlock Origin: efficient blocker
thunderbird: email client
- mail merge: send multiple custom mailing
Laptop specific
- libinput-gestures : touchpad actions gestures
- tlp: power manager
- alsa / pulseaudio: sound system
- htop: process viewer
- libreoffice: office suite
- mpv: video player
- pass: password manager
- ranger: file manager
- redshift: adjust the color temperature of the screen
- sxiv / feh: image viewer
- transmission: bittorent client
- udiskie: automounter for removable media
- xclip: clipboard manager
- zathura: pdf viewer