- Social Media App (users, followers, posts and comments)
- ClassRoom App (users, courses, lessons and enrollments)
Backend Stack: NodeJS, MongoDB Atlas
Libraries: ExpressJS, SwaggerAPI, Mongoose, jsonwebtoken and others
A user CRUD and auth functionality implementations:
1. Sign up: Users can register by creating a new account using an email address. 2. User list: Any visitor can see a list of all registered users. 3. Authentication: Registered users can sign-in and sign-out. 4. Protected user profile: Only registered users can view individual user details after signing in. 5. Authorized user edit and delete: Only a registered and authenticated user can edit or remove their own user account details.
MERN Social is a social media application with rudimentary features inspired by existing social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter
Implementation of the social media-flavored app features:
1. User profile with a description and a photo 2. Users following each other 3. Who to follow suggestions 4. Posting messages with photos 5. Newsfeed with posts from followed users 6. Listing posts by user 7. Liking posts 8. Commenting on posts
MERN Classroom is a simple online classroom application, which allows
1. educators to add courses that are made up of various lessons, 2. while students can enroll on these courses.
Additionally, the application will allow
4. students to track their progress throughout the course, 5. whereas instructors can monitor how many students have enrolled in/on a course, and 6. how many have completed each course