Product Manager with 10 years experience leveraging AI/ML, UX design, and data analysis to build intuitive, user-centric products that make a real-world impact. Passionate about using first-principle thinking to drive innovation and solve complex problems. Proven track record in leading cross-functional teams to ship digital, mobile, and AI-powered solutions across multiple industries, including healthcare, fintech, and technology.
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- Founded AI Trainers, a volunteer group, whose mission is to make AI more accessible by providing free and virtual custom trainings and resources. (Update: Facilitated a virtual workshop for Cincinnati Local Public Libraries in May 2024.)
- Currently contributing to Open Interpreter, leveraging the Computer API to automate tedious macOS workflows.
- WIP: Leveraging universal JSON Resume with Github Pages, I developed an interface that auto-generates my resume on demand in a theme appropriate for the viewer. You can check out my work so far at my resume.