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Exactly!" said Deep Thought. "So once you do know what the question actually is, you'll know what the answer means.

― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Dependency Status CircleCI

Heimdallr is a JWT authorization gem strictly designed for Rails 5 GraphQL API projects.

While there are a handful of other projects that provide authorization and/or JWT support, none of them fit my specific needs:

  • No built-in GUI.
  • Scope based permissions.
  • Revocable & refreshable tokens.
  • Support for both HMAC & RSA encryption.
  • And (most importantly) support for the amazing GraphQL gem.

Please keep in mind that this project is very much a work-in-progress, and it might not even work for some users. Feel free suggest changes and improvements!

WARNING: Heimdallr only supports PostgreSQL 9.4 and higher! While it would be fairly trivial to support other RDBMS, I currently only use PostgreSQL in my office.

Table of Contents

Installing / Getting Started

Heimdallr is cryptographically signed. To be sure the gem you install has not been tampered with, add the Heimdallr public key (if you have not already) as a trusted certificate:

gem cert --add <(curl -Ls
  1. Put this in your Gemfile
gem 'heimdallr'
  1. Run the installation generator
rails g heimdallr:install

This will install the Heimdallr initializer into config/initializers/heimdallr.rb.

  1. Run the application migration generator
rails g heimdallr:application APPLICATION_MODEL_NAME

Important: If you name your token class anything other than token, you will need to update the association inside the generated application model!

  1. Run the token migration generator (Should be done after the application generator so the table name can be found)
rails g heimdallr:token TOKEN_MODEL_NAME
  1. Include the Heimdallr::Authenticable module in your ApplicationController
class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
  include Heimdallr::Authenticable
  1. Add before_action :heimdallr_authorize! inside your GraphQL controller
class GraphqlController < ApplicationController
  before_action :heimdallr_authorize!

What is a Heimdallr Application?

Admittedly "Application" is not the best term that I could have used, but I digress...

Simply put, an application is a class that may issue, renew & revoke JWT tokens with specific permissions.

For example, you have two separate applications that both access a shared API:

  • A client-facing website that can list all users, but it cannot create or delete anything.
  • An admin portal that can create, read, update & delete users.

For (hopefully) obvious security reasons, the client-facing website application should not be permitted to issue tokens with the create:users or obliterate:users scopes.


This is the default initializer that will be generated:

Heimdallr.configure do |config|

  # The default JWT algorithm to use
  config.default_algorithm = 'HS512'

  # Token validation period (Default: 30 minutes)
  config.expiration_time = -> { 30.minutes.from_now.utc }

  # The JWT expiration leeway
  config.expiration_leeway = 30.seconds

  # The master encryption key
  config.secret_key = 'RANDOMLY-GENERATED-STRING'

  # The default scopes to include for requests without a token (Optional)
  config.default_scopes = %w[view]

JWT Algorithm (default_algorithm)

You can set the default JWT algorithm that will be used with the default_algorithm configuration option.


When you use HMAC for cryptographic signing, each application will have a unique encrypted secret value generated upon creation.

Available Algorithms:

  • HS256 - HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
  • HS384 - HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm.
  • HS512 - HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm.

You may retrieve the secret value from the application by doing the following:



When you use RSA for cryptographic signing, each application will have a unique encrypted certificate generated upon creation.

Available Algorithms:

  • RS256 - RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
  • RS384 - RSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm.
  • RS512 - RSA using SHA-512 hash algorithm.

You may retrieve the certificate object from the application by doing the following:


Expiration Time (expiration_time)

You can set the default JWT expiration time by setting a proc to the expiration_time configuration option.

config.expiration_time = -> { 30.minutes.from_now.utc }

Please keep in mind that all times must be in UTC!

Expiration Leeway (expiration_leeway)

The expiration leeway configuration option is used to account for clock skew.

Secret Key (secret_key)

This is the master secret key used for encryption of application secrets & certificates.


Although a secret key is generated when you run the installation generator, it is strictly done to speed up integration time. The secret key value should NEVER be stored under source control!

Instead, use an environment variable like so:

config.secret_key = ENV.fetch(:heimdallr_key)

Default Scopes (default_scopes)

If you provide an array of default scopes, requests that do not have an Authorization header will have a new token created automatically.

However, if you do not provide any default scopes requests that do not have an Authorization header will be rejected with the following error:

  "errors": [
      "status": "401",
      "source": {
        "pointer": "/request/headers/authorization"
      "title": "Unauthorized",
      "detail": "Missing Authorization header."

Note: You must provide a default scope if you plan to use the built-in GraphQL mutations for issuing tokens!

Internationalization (I18n)

Heimdallr supports I18n using the Rails Internationalization (I18n) API. See config/locales/en.yml for further information.

GraphQL Types

Heimdallr includes a few handy GraphQL types that can be installed into your project by running the following generator:

rails g heimdallr:types

Algorithm Enum (Types::AlgorithmTypeEnum)

This type provides an enum with the following values:

Name Description
HS256 HMAC using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
HS384 HMAC using SHA-384 hash algorithm.
HS512 HMAC using SHA-512 hash algorithm.
RS256 RSA using SHA-256 hash algorithm.
RS384 RSA using SHA-384 hash algorithm.
RS512 RSA using SHA-512 hash algorithm.

Grant Enum (Types::GrantTypeEnum)

This type provides an enum with (currently) a single value of SECRET. It is used by the a few GraphQL mutations.

Application Type (Types::ApplicationType)

This type is used to expose JWT applications via the API and is entirely optional (However, it is used for mutations). It provides the following fields:

Name Type Description
id UuidType A UUID-4 value that is set automatically by the database upon creation.
name String Provided when creating a new application, should be a human friendly value.
ip String Token issue requests must come from this IP address, or they will be refused (Optional)
key String A randomly generated string that must be provided when issuing new tokens.
scopes Array An array of scopes that this application is authorized to issue tokens for.

Token Type (Types::TokenType)

This type is used to expose JWT tokens via the API, it provides the following fields:

Name Type Description
id UuidType A UUID-4 value that is set automatically by the database upon creation.
ip String The IP address this token was issued to.
scopes Array An array of scopes that this token is granted to use.
application ApplicationType The application that issued this token.
jwt String The encoded JWT token string.
createdAt DateTime An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string representing when this token was issued.
expiresAt DateTime An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string representing when this token will expire.
revokedAt DateTime An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string representing when this was revoked.
notBefore DateTime An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string representing when this token becomes active.

DateTime Scalar (Types::DateTimeType)

An ISO-8601 encoded UTC date string.

Uuid Scalar (Types::UuidType)

A universally unique identifier (UUID) is a 128-bit number used to identify information in computer systems.

GraphQL Mutations

Heimdallr includes a number of GraphQL mutations that can be installed into your project by running the following generator:

rails g heimdallr:mutations

Create Application (Mutations::Applications::Create)

This mutation lets you make new JWT applications via a GraphQL request, it has the following input fields:

Name Type Required Description
name String Yes The application name.
scopes Array Yes An array of scopes that this application will be authorized to issue tokens for.
algorithm AlgorithmEnum Yes The algorithm to use for cryptographic signing tokens.


  createApplication(input: {
    name: "Unicorns & Rainbows",
    scopes: ["unicorn:create", "unicorn:update", "unicorn:hug", "unicorn:ride", "rainbow:create", "rainbow:obliterate"],
    algorithm: RS256
  }) {
    application {

Create Token (Mutations::Tokens::Create)

This mutation lets you issue JWT tokens via a GraphQL request, it has the following input fields:

Name Type Required Description
application ApplicationInput Yes An input type that has two fields, id (the application UUID) and key (the application key)
audience String No Optional audience string value.
subject String No Optional subject string value.
scopes Array Yes An array of scopes that this token should be issued. (The application must be authorized to issue these scopes!)


  createToken(input: {
    application: {
      id: "6cc8b666-aa57-4933-8899-0205c9eeeb7c",
      key: "7c5b4002adb254df96c8a40fe98863f39f2a32324ac26bcd5de27a5dc4e76a22ec9616cd7f074d56e64f4d589e2b82e31c5f6995a454a5ec3d387a6342520234"
    scopes: ["unicorn:hug", "unicorn:ride", "rainbow:create"],
    subject: "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"
  }) {
    token {


Heimdallr provides a few helper "services" to assist with the creation & management of applications and tokens.

Create Application (Heimdallr::CreateApplication)

This service allows you to quickly create a new JWT application.


application =
    name: 'My Little Pony',
    scopes: %w[unicorn:create unicorn:update unicorn:hug unicorn:ride],
    algorithm: 'RS256',
    ip: request.remote_ip

Create Token (Heimdallr::CreateToken)

This service allows you to quickly create a new JWT token.


# Create a new token, but do not encode it into a JWT string
token =
    application: application,
    scopes: 'unicorn:ride',
    expires_at: 1.hour.from_now,
    subject: 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'
  ).call(encode: false)

Decode Token (Heimdallr::DecodeToken)

This service is required to properly decode a JWT encoded string. Although its' primary purpose is for the Authenticable controller mixin, you are free to use it inside your application as well.


token ='JWT-ENCODED-STRING-GOES-HERE', leeway: 30.seconds).call

The following actions are performed when decoding a JWT token:

  • The iss (Application ID) & jti (Token ID) claims are fetched.
  • A cache hit is done to avoid a database query to see if this token was used recently.
  • The signature is verified to ensure that the token was not tampered with.
  • The exp (Expiration) claim is fetched and used to ensure that the token is still valid.
  • The nbf (Not Before) claim is checked to see if this token is valid yet (Optional)

Critical Issues

This service will raise a Heimdallr::TokenError exception if any of the following occur:

  • The iss or jti claims do not exist.
  • The token does not exist in the cache or database.
  • The token is malformed (Missing header, payload or signature)
  • The exp or nbf claims do not match what is stored in the database (Sanity checks)

Recoverable Issues

Even if an exception was not raised, you must still check to ensure that the token has no errors:

if token.token_errors?
  # TODO: Do something spectacular with the errors!
  render json: { errors: [*token.token_errors] }, status: 420

Errors can be any of the following:

  • The token was revoked (Message: This token has been revoked. Please acquire a new token and try your request again.)
  • The token is expired (Message: The provided JWT is expired. Please acquire a new token and try your request again.)
  • The nbf claim is in the future (Message: The provided JWT is not valid yet and cannot be used.)

Note: The reason that exceptions are not raised for these events is so expired / revoked tokens can be accessed by an administrator or displayed on a UI without a convoluted amount of error handling


To run the local engine server:

bundle install
bundle exec rails server


Run all the rspec unit tests by doing the following:

Note: You must have a PostgreSQL server running locally before running this command!

bin/rails db:create db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
bundle exec rspec

Update the Table of Contents

Make sure you have doctoc installed:

npm install -g doctoc

Run the doctoc command in the project directory:

doctoc --github

Update the gem documentation

Ensure you have the yard gem installed:

gem install yard

Update the documentation by running the yard command in the project directory:



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