Current version is v.1.1 (23/06/2023)
Get That Job is a job-searching platform for anyone who looking for employment or looking to recruit someone. We have a variety of features to support all those and help your online recruitment and hiring process go more easily!
Killer Features:
- A recruiter could be able to create job postings and manage jobs status.
- A professional could be able to view job postings and, apply jobs, and check jobs status.
- A professional could be able filter and following jobs.
- Have validation system for checking an emails, password, and more
- (Beta) Friendly for many device. Included mobiles, tablets, laptops, and desktops! (full release in v.2.0.0)
- (Beta) Support Thai and English langauge. (full release in v.2.0.0)
Stack we Used: