go-opencl provides a high-level interface for OpenCL devices to run OpenCL programs in Go programs conveniently without delving into the annoying details of OpenCL.
WARNING: This project is currently under development and has not been fully tested. Use it at your own risk. We welcome any feedback and contributions.
sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev opencl-headers
This project incorporates OpenCL-Headers and OpenCL-ICD-Loader, which are included in the include-3.0.13
and lib-windows-3.0.13-x64
directories respectively for Windows.
The sources for these components are as follows:
OpenCL-Headers: KhronosGroup/OpenCL-Headers v2023.02.06
OpenCL-ICD-Loader: KhronosGroup/OpenCL-SDK v2023.02.06
The cl-info command provides information about the OpenCL platforms and devices on your system.
To install cl-info, run the following command:
go install github.com/nathanccxv/go-opencl/cmd/cl-info@latest
import cl "github.com/nathanccxv/go-opencl"
Refer to the runner_test.go file or examples for usage examples of the OpenCL runner.
OPENCL 3.0 Reference: https://registry.khronos.org/OpenCL/sdk/3.0/docs/man/html/