Uses my Go package Spotify-BuddyList for grabbing the data!
GoTify is a collection of Spotify utilities written in Go by myself. GoTify Profile Tracker is a REST API web server that provides an implementation of my GoTify BuddyList package and scales up past the Spotify endpoints to retain large sets of data. The main use of this API is to view the listening activity of your friends in a well-formatted manner, there is also a frontend Vue.js application attached to this that utilises the API.
Array containing this object:
"name":"Dream Your Life Away"
"name":"Vance Joy"
Array containing this object:
"name":"Dream Your Life Away"
"name":"Vance Joy"
'Cookie' - sd_pc cookie from Spotify's Web Player
- After you log into the Spotify web player, you need to find the cookie named 'sp_dc' and get the value of it
- This cookie expires every year, so if used in production, it will be best to automate the collection of it
'Client ID' - Follow the 'Register your App' tutorial here!
'Client Secret' - Follow the 'Register your App' tutorial here!
'Access Token' - Follow this: Link!. Once you have the Access and Refresh token, insert them into the init() method. Be sure to request the 'user-follow-modify' scope.
'Refresh Token' - Follow this: Link!. Once you have the Access and Refresh token, insert them into the init() method. Be sure to request the 'user-follow-modify' scope.
- Released 28/08/21