(Graph DB benchmarks)
Benchmark link-prediction algorithms overs different DBMS
Algorithm information can be found in The Link Prediction Problem for Social Networks
Graphs are extracted from the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography XML, and from Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection
Results can be found here
- axel (to download DBLP, can be replaced with wget)
- bash
- python 2.7
- python-lxml
- python-mysqldb
- python-redis
- mysql 5.5
- redis-server
- Neo4J Community 1.9.M03
- Oracle JDK 6
- py2neo
- Fetch code:
git clone https://github.com/natict/gdbb.git
cd gdbb
- Generate graphs:
- Create MySQL tables and procedures (you'll need mysql root), e.g. for all_core3:
./init-mysql.sh all_core3
- Execute MySQL benchmark:
./benchmark_mysql.py all_core3
- Execute Redis benchmark (i.e. for all_core3):
./benchmark_redis.py -d all_core3
- Create Neo4J graphs (you'll need to be a sudo-er) (i.e. for all_core3):
./init-neo4j.sh all_core3
- Execute Neo4J benchmark:
./benchmark_neo4j.py all_core3
- Execute all benchmarks (assuming sudo permissions):
./benchmark-all.sh [MySQL_root_password]
- Graph generation is done in-memory, make sure you have enough
- Some MySQL configuration changes are recommended (significantly speedup load time, allow recursive procedures):
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 512M
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M
innodb_log_file_size = 256M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 256M
- Using the latest versions of redis-server and redis-py significantly improves performance
- Currently the Lua scripts are redis-calls optimized and NOT memory optimized
- Some Redis settings are required:
lua-time-limit 600000 # 10 Minutes
- Let the Neo4J JVM to allocate more heap (conf/neo4j-wrapper.conf)
# Initial Java Heap Size (in MB)
# Maximum Java Heap Size (in MB)