This is a Blog application built using the MERN stack with tailwindcss, jwt cookie-parser, and other popular technologies. It provides features such as user authentication (sign up, sign in, and logout), content creation and management (creating, editing, and deleting posts).
open in browser
- User authentication (sign up, sign in, and logout)
- Create, edit, and delete posts
- View all posts
- View individual post
- Use rich text editor for creating and editing posts
- Upload images to posts with cloud storage
- Secure user passwords with bcrypt
- MongoDB: A document-oriented NoSQL database used for storing blog posts and user information.
- Express.js: A web application framework used for building RESTful APIs.
- React: A popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces.
- Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment used for server-side development.
- tailwindcss: A utility-first CSS framework for quickly building custom designs.
- jwt cookie-parser: A middleware used for handling user authentication.
- react-quill: A rich text editor for creating and editing posts.
- cloudinary: A cloud storage platform used for uploading and managing images.
- bcrypt: A library used for encrypting and securing user passwords.
- axios: Axios is a JS library for HTTP requests with easy response handling, request interception, and error handling.
- Node.js
- MongoDb database
- Clone the repository: git clone
- Navigate to the project directory
- Install NPM packages: npm install
- Start the server: npm start
- Start the client: npm start
- Visit http://localhost:3000/ in your browser to view the app.