ARXaaS is a data anonymization service built ontop of the ARX library. It exposes HTTP REST endpoints for analyzing re-identification risk, anonymizing datasets and creating generalization hierarchies.
- Make sure Docker Desktop is running.
- Pull the Docker image
docker pull navikt/arxaas
- Run the Docker image
docker run -p 8080:8080 navikt/arxaas
java -jar <path to jar>
- Clone the ARXaaS project from Github
- Download ARX Java library with sources from
- Install the ARX library in your local Maven repostitory
mvn -q install:install-file -Dfile=<relative path to ARX deidentifier library jar file from spring project root directory> -DgroupId=org.deidentifier -DartifactId=libarx -Dversion=3.8.0 -Dpackaging=jar
You now have access to your own customizable ARXaaS project. You can make changes to the project, compile it, then run your own custom ARXaaS server.