Adapter for Arena mot DigiDag Dagpenger regel API
Se Dagpenger docker compose og docker-compose
dp-regel-api-arena-adapter er beskyttet med jwt autentisering, hent token med:
Hent systembruker og passord fra fasit
DP_TOKEN=$(curl -v --user <systembruker> https://security-token-service.nais.preprod.local/rest/v1/sts/token/\?grant_type\=client_credentials\&scope\=openid | jq -r .access_token)
(NB: installer jq hvis du ikke har det: brew install jq
bruk token i request mot APIet:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer $DP_TOKEN" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://dp-regel-api-arena-adapter.nais.preprod.local/v1/....
- Install Node JS.
- Clone repo and run
npm install
in the repo root.
Starts the development server.
Change files in openapi folder
To test rules openapi
To deploy new version of