A file storage to which a client can upload, retrieve and delete files. The application stores files in a Postgres database, and provides a Rest interface that a client can interact with.
For a description of the whole archiving system, see the documentation.
- Docker needs to be installed on the local computer in order to start a local test database for running tests.
- Build with
mvn clean install
- Start application with
java -jar fillager/target/fillager.jar
- There are scripts to bring up postgres and the whole archiving system locally
in archiving-infrastructure.
- Alternatively, you can run a database locally in docker:
docker run -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --name local_postgres -p 5432:5432 postgres -d
- Alternatively, you can run a database locally in docker:
Questions regarding the code or the project can be asked to the team by raising an issue on the repo.
NAV employees can reach the team by Slack in the channel #team-fyllut-sendinn