Problem | Solution |
Program to create Graph | graphDemo.cpp |
Breadth First Traversal of a Graph | bfsDemo.cpp |
Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree | kruskalsDemo.cpp |
Problem | Solution |
How many different ways can you make change for an amount, given a list of coins? | coinChange.cpp |
Minimum number of coins required for an amount, given a list of coins? | minCoin.cpp |
Print Fibonacci number of the input location | fibonacci.cpp |
Problem | Solution |
Reverse Polish Notation | reversePolishNotation.cpp |
Output word in dictionary for given jumbled word | jumble.cpp |
Design a Data Structure that supports get(int idx), set(int idx, int val), and setAll(int val) all in constant time | customDs.cpp |
Include contains implementation of Algorithms.
Algorithm | Implementation |
Generic Graph Implementation | graph.h |
Breadth First Search Implementation | bfs.h |
Kruskal's Minimum Spanning Tree Implementation | kruskals.h |