📍 Location: Dehradun, Uttarakhand
🎓 Education: B.Tech in Computer Science and M.Tech in Information Technology
✨ Technical Skills:
Languages: C, Java
Web Development: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React
Tools & Platforms: Linux, Git, GitHub
Data Structures & Algorithms: Proficient
📷 Beyond Technology: I am not just a coder; I'm also a passionate photographer who finds joy in capturing the scenic beauty around me.
🚀 Professional Aspiration: Eager to embark on my professional journey, I am actively seeking Software Development Engineer (SDE) opportunities. With a solid foundation in data structures and algorithms, and proficiency in web development technologies, I am ready to contribute my skills and turn my passion into meaningful innovations.
Github : https://github.com/navtejnt1
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/navtej-anand/
Portfolio https://navtejnt1.github.io
📫 How to reach me navtejnt1@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences https://drive.google.com/file/d/16YDAISbObtNEfhxkrletRfwoWhZaCmx6/view