Community snowboard site project done for OPENCLASSROOMS, made with Symfony 5.1
This site is made of PHP, using Symfony 5.1. All external libraries and bundles are forbidden, except those maintained by Symfony core team ( This means no liip/LiipImagineBundle, no StofDoctrineExtensionsBundle etc...
Here are the rules that needed to be followed :
- The site has pages for visitors, and visitors can signin in to become members.
- Commenting a trick is only for members logged in.
- Tricks can be created, edited and deleted by any member (it's a community site).
- Tricks can have images, youtube videos, and an image can be selected has a featured image.
- All wireframes are given and the design must stick to them.
- Initial dataset is added with 10 Tricks and one activated user.
This site is online here : and can be tested
- Clone Repository on your web server
- Install backend dependancies using Composer with dev depandancies (composer install, You may need to remove composer.lock file
- Create a database on your SQL server
- Configure access to this database on .env file at source of the project (user, password, name of db, address etc..)
- Run doctrines migrations (php bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate). You can check your migration status with php bin/console doctrine:migration:status
- Load initial dataset using Datafixtures (php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load)
- Configure your mail setup on your web server editing .env file, as this site sends mails for registration. I used a inbox during the development -
- Install frontend dependancies using Yarn (yarn install).
- Generates front assets using yarn (yarn encore dev).
- Username from datafixtures : jimmy
- Password is @dmIn123
Anthony Fachaux - Openclassrooms Student - Dev PHP/Symfony