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Timeline Component built with Vue 3 and Nuxt 3 in mind. See it live on!

Zero-config: Zip. Zilch. Nada.

No configuration is needed to integrate a Timeline into your project. Just provide a list of timeline points in the points prop.


  • Developed with zero-config as a core principle
  • Written in TypeScript, using Vue 3's Composition API
  • Styled with WindiCSS, easily customizable for whatever your use case is.
  • Supports markdown out of the box. Or disable it with the noMarkdown prop.
  • Includes syntax highlighting with highlight.js. Disable it with noSyntax.
  • Auto-incrementing step numbers, in pure CSS. Disable them with the noNumbers prop.


To get started, just pass an array of TimelinePoint elements to the <Timeline /> component! The only required property for each point is title, the rest are optional and will only render their subcomponent elements if their value is non-null.

First, define a list of TimelinePoint objects

See the TimelinePoint typedefs below ›››

// <script setup>
const points = [
    title: 'First',
    date: '2022-05-01',
    description: 'We make it.'
    title: 'Then',
    description: '...we break it. So we can fix it.'
    title: 'Finally',
    description: '\`lint\`it, \`commit\` it, and repeat.'
// </script>

Then add it to app.vue, or any page, or component...

See the TimelineProps typedefs below ›››

  <Timeline :points="points" />

TypeScript Definitions

Included in the component file are full TypeScript definitions, with JSDoc annotations.


 * @interface {TimelineProps}
 * @property {TimelinePoint[]} points - Used to construct the timeline. Required.
 * @property {boolean} [noMarkdown] - Disable markdown rendering for all TimelinePoints.
 * @property {boolean} [noNumbers] - Disable the CSS-based step numbers for each TimelinePoint.
declare interface TimelineProps {
  points: TimelinePoint[];
  noMarkdown?: boolean;
  noNumbers?: boolean;


declare interface TimelinePoint {
  // title is the only required property
  title: string;
  // adding a URL changes the title into a link
  url?: string;
  // adding a timestamp renders it just above the title
  date?: string;
  // markdown is supported in description
  description?: string;
  // ...or just **dangerously** inject HTML, raw dog
  html?: string;
  // future use (not yet implemented)
  tags?: string[];

The component source is located in ./components/timeline.vue - header.vue and footer.vue are just for the demo. I've included some (opinionated) styling by default, inside the component file itself, but it is easily customizable thanks to the WindiCSS integration.

MIT © Nicholas Berlette