Download CSV data from Google Trends queries. Either use as executable or import at library. The master branch is implemented in python 3. For python 2, check the associated branch.
./pytrends <keywords> time=<time> title=<title>
keywords (required): comma separated list
title (optional): comma separated list
"Interest over time,Interest by region,Related topics,Related queries"
"Interest over time"
time (optional): pick one of the following
(default)"now+%d-H" % hours
"now+%d-d" % days
"today+%d-m" % months
"today+%d-y" % years
"[%s,%s]" % (start, end)
- start,end:
"[%d,%d,%d]" % (year, month, day)
"[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]" % (year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
- start,end:
./ coat,jacket time="[[2017,1,1],[2018,1,1]]" title="Interest over time,Interest by region"
./ blockchain time="today+5-y"
./ Google,Microsoft,Apple title="Related queries"
from pytrends import pytrends
trends = pytrends()
keywords = ["coat", "jacket"]
titles = ["Interest over time","Related queries"]
time = "all"
for title in titles:
print(trends.download_report(keywords, title, time))