This is not maintained.
eed-tools− tools for manipulating electronic evidence discovery files
This is a collection of tools for manipulating files used by various EED programs. None of the tools do any discovery — they merely process lfp, dii, opt, and other files generated by Ipro, Summation, Relativity, or Concordance. These are largely not portable, and need to be run under Cygwin.
− convert bytes to gigabytes
catalog − print file extensions of all files in
current directory
clean-ibuild − clean up an IPRO build directory
coloryank − copy jpgs from a build to a color
count-iocr − provide ocr stats from IPRO ecap ocr
debom − remove byte order mark
decomma-lfpocr − remove commas from Ipro ocr lfp
denativemeta − empty NATIVE_FILE in metadata
records without slipsheets
dii2begend − Create a beg-end from a summation dii
dii-renum − renumber the records in a dii file
doc2pdf − generate pdfs from ms word files.
fd-fold − refolder pdfs based on lfp FD flags.
fieldedcount − count billable scan time coding in
fill − fill blank lines with the last non-blank
findloose − print files in directories with other
fixdii − make most common changes to an
ipro-generated DII
html2pdf − Create pdfs from html documents
isummsize − get gigabytes from ecap Discovery
lfp2begend − create begin - end ranges from lfps
lfp2binder − suggest hardcopy binder or box breaks
from an lfp
lfp2csv − convert IM lines of an lfp to csv
lfp2dii − generate a dii from an lfp file
lfp2fielded − generate fielded text from an lfp
lfp2folderbat − generate a batch file to make
folders from an lfp
lfp2lst − generate a summation style lst from an
lfp2meta − generate a metadata csv from an lfp
lfp2opt − generate a Concordance style opt file
from an lfp
lfp2singfolds − make a shell script to put ocr in
lfp2subdirsbat − create a batch file for
subdirectories from an lfp
lfp2summ − create a summation dii from an ipro lfp
lfpdebreak − generate an lfp to remove all breaks
from existing lfps
lfpfolderbreak − generate parent break lfp for
each folder change
lfppath2issues − create an issues lfp from another
lfp-renumber − renumber an Ipro lfp
list2header − make a csv header from a list
ls2begend − create begin - end ranges for a list
of filenames
ls2opt − generate an opt file from a directory
meta2begend − generate begin end ranges from a csv
metadata file
meta2fielded − generate fielded text file from a
metadata csv
meta2folders − recreate native folders from
mkdap − create lfp which updates direct access
mk-iexport − set up ipro ecap export
opt2lfp − convert opticon opt to relativity lfp
opt2rel − prepare opt file for load into
printsqc − print all stat qc manifests in a volume
prt-rename − rename prts after their first
prt-split − Break a prt file on specified lines.
prt-uncollate − uncollate the documents in a prt
recolor-ibuild − combine a color build and a black
and white build
rellfp2ipro − convert Relativity lfp to Ipro lfp
relsql-mkindex − generage a script to update a SQL
index for Relativity
robo-iocr − copy IPRO ocr to another directory.
rotate − rotate landscaped images
sing2multt − create multi-page text from
single-page text ocr
ss2natives − copy natives elsewhere for
statbegend − get doc count and range from a beg
end file
statdat − extract useful summary from a
concordance dat file
statdii − extract useful summary from a summation
dii file
statlfp − extract useful statistics from an lfp
statopt − extract useful summary from a
concordance opt file
statvstats − extract useful summary from an IPRO
vstats or bstats file
summ-refold − place multi-page text in images
folder per lfp
txt2ss − generate a nicely formatted slipsheet pdf
from plain text
watch-ibuild − wait for an Ipro build to complete
watch-icommit − wait for an Ipro commit to
watch-iexport − wait for an Ipro ecap export to
watch-iocr − wait for Ipro ocr to complete.
xmpp2csv − convert an xmpp to a csv, and break it
per record
perl, cygwin, csv-tools (
expand-range (
xrefup (
© 2011, 2012, 2013 Noah Birnel
You may use this documentation however you like.