API rate limiter is service for sending SMS and E-mail notifications. They are selling this service to different clients and each client has specific limits on the number of requests they can send in a month.
This Project was created with:
- NodeJS - A javascript server-side engine
- Express Library - A library built on Node JS for building application program interface
- Travis CI - A continuous integration and testing platform
- Coveralls - A continuous integration and testing platform
- Code Climate - A continuous integration and testing platform
- Redis - A data structure store used as a database, cache and message broker
- SonarCloud - A continuous integration and testing platform
The tools and modules employed in this project are:
- Git
- npm
- Jest - A testing framework
- swaggerUI - A tool for documenting API
To start this project, install the required modules and dependencies locally using yarn:
npm install
npm run dev // for development
npm run start // for production
npm run test // for testing
note you should Set Client-Id in the header to test the endpoints or your IP will be used as a client id example:
client-id: 748j-37s8-3j8s-3j8s
With the above header, you can test the endpoints
To test the email endpoint, use the following example:
"to": "send@email.com",
"message": "Hello World"
To test the sms endpoint, use the following example:
"to": "+250788000000",
"message": "Hello World"
Clone repository
- copy the link to the project from github website
- create a folder on local machine
- cd in to the folder and call a git init
- git clone repository
- npm install to install development dependencies
Verb | Endpoint | Description |
GET | https://rate-limiter-api.onrender.com/api/v3 | Welcome Endpoint |
POST | https://rate-limiter-api.onrender.com/api/v3/sms | send sms |
POST | https://rate-limiter-api.onrender.com/api/v3/email | send email |
POST | https://rate-limiter-api.onrender.com/api-docs | API Documentation |
Tests are run by calling
npm run test
after installing and setting up testing suites:
- jest
Testing endpoints
✓ should return 200 status code for the / route (2522 ms)
✓ should return 200 status code for the /email route (996 ms)
✓ should return 200 status code for the /sms route (847 ms)
✓ should return 429 status code for too many requests (1176 ms)
✓ should return 429 status code for too many requests across the entire system (1043 ms)
✓ should return 429 status code for too many requests from a specific client on a per-month basis (1006 ms)