Release Notes v3.1.1
FIX: fixed the timezone conversion for use in filters with a date widget
FIX: also remove the sample filter option when the filters are reset
FIX: fixed the rendering of a missing value for histograms
FIX: fixed broken name search for participants
FIX: standardized nomenclature for referring to the participant id, supervisor id and location code
FIX: fixed a few bugs relating to locations importing
FIX: respect filter parameters when making exports
FIX: participants list pagination and totals count
FIX: use the correct attribute when retrieving the last seen phone number of a participant
FIX: increased worker timeout for gunicorn workers to enable longer-running web requests (like downloads)
CLEANUP: removed extraneous command line interface commands that have become redundant as a result of the admin web gui
FEAT: convert the daily progress chart into a table
FEAT: updated Spanish translation files
FEAT: updated a few menu item titles (e.g. renamed Account Settings to User Settings)
FEAT: allow for specifying if an administrative division will contain GPS data
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