This repo contains code used to harvest metadata from source systems and load that into dynamoDB. This code also finds files (images or media files) that will need to be processed, and loads references to those into dynamoDB.
For consistent coding standards install flake8 via pip
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
To run flake8 manually
flake8 json-from-csv/
The projects custom linter configurations can be found in .flake8
Additional options can be found here
Various Editors and IDEs have plugins that work with this linter.
- In ATOM install linter-flake8
- In Sublime install SublimeLinter-flake8
- In VS Code modify these config settings
Run tests before deploying by first connecting to aws-vault to establish a connection to aws, and then run the script called ""
aws-vault exec testlibnd-superAdmin
Run the script local-deploy providing the name of the stack you want to deploy and the path to the marble-blueprints repo
./ manifest-pipeline-jon ../marble-blueprints/