Huffman coding in Rust for my Information and Coding Theory independent study.
Example output:
cargo run [--release] <alphabet csv> {encode|decode} <filename|string> [radix]
The CSV file should be formatted with comma separators and without headers.
The radix argument is optional (default 2) and must be greater than or equal to 2.
The --release
flag is optional but will speed up the program signficantly due to compiler optimizations (Shakespeare decode 10.12s > 0.59s).
The Shakespeare has been processed to remove any non-letter characters (with the exception of spaces and newlines).
- Shakespeare Anthology from Project Gutenberg.
- English frequency list from Wikipedia.
- book_probs.csv from Introduction to Coding and Information Theory by Steven Roman (1997)
- Independent study advisor: Prof. Jeff Miller
- Moral support: Noah Willis