Built with the tools and technologies:
The SolarWatch is an ASP.NET Web API project that provides the time of sunrise and sunset in a given city on a given date, in local or UTC times.
└── SolarWatch/
├── .github
│ └── workflows
├── README.md
├── client
│ ├── .dockerignore
│ ├── .eslintrc.cjs
│ ├── .gitignore
│ ├── Dockerfile
│ ├── README.md
│ ├── index.html
│ ├── nginx.conf
│ ├── package-lock.json
│ ├── package.json
│ ├── src
│ └── vite.config.js
├── docker-compose.yml
└── server
├── SolarWatchAPI
├── SolarWatchAPI.sln
├── SolarWatchAPIIntegrationTest
└── SolarWatchAPITest
CSharp: net 8.0
Build the project from source:
- coming soon
- coming soon
Execute the test suite using the following command:
❯ dotnet test
- coming soon