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NDT architecture and life cycle


The Network Diagnostic Tool (NDT) is a client/server program that provides network configuration and performance testing to a user's computer. The NDT consists of several modules responsible for various aspects of the test methodology. This document identifies where in the overall codebase each of the high-level components reside to help with future development and maintenance. It also includes build instructions and documents the build and packaging process.

Table of Contents


Only NDT Client and NDT Server are needed to perform all tests defined by the NDT Protocol. However, the full NDT suite consists of the wide spectrum of tools that can be used for different purposes. We can specify three categories of the NDT components based on their areas of usage:

  • Client Tools
  • Server Tools
  • Administrative Tools

The NDT project is hosted on the Google Project Hosting infrastructure. The latest project source code can be obtained anonymously over HTTP by using the following command:

svn checkout ndt-read-only

Moreover, it can be also obtained by downloading the newest tar package from the download page:

Life Cycle

The NDT client and server interaction details can be found in the NDT Protocol description.

Test session with the Java Applet-based client

A basic NDT test session with the Java Applet-based client looks as following:


  1. The process starts with the user opening a browser and entering a known NDT server URL. * This URL can either point directly to a specific NDT server, or the web browser can be redirected to a different NDT server (either via a Web redirect, or using a DNS-based solution like DONAR).
  2. The web server responds by returning the page, with an embedded java applet (class or jar file).
  3. The user must manually request a test be performed by clicking the “start” button.
  4. The applet opens a connection back to the server’s testing engine (web100srv process).
  5. A child process is created to handle the test and the parent goes back to listening for more test requests. The parent keeps a FIFO queue to process multiple requests.
  6. A control channel is created between the server and the client to control the client’s actions and synchronize the start of the various tests. The server and the client negotiate the test suite.
  7. The NDT client and the NDT server performs the negotiated test suite. The client opens new data channels back to the server for testing purposes. Allowing the client to open connections makes it easy to get past client-side firewall boxes.
  8. The server extracts the Web100 data and analyzes the connection for faults.
  9. The results are recorded in the servers’ log file and the results are returned to the client for display to the user.

Test session with the web100clt client

A basic NDT test session with the web100clt client looks as following:


  1. The process starts with the user specifying a known NDT server for the web100clt client to connect to. * Unlike in the Applet client scenario, the web100clt does not support redirection so, unless a DNS-based solution like DONAR is employed, the user must direct the client to a specific NDT server.
  2. The web100clt client connects to the server's testing engine (web100srv process).
  3. A child process is created to handle the test and the parent goes back to listening for more test requests. The parent keeps a FIFO queue to process multiple requests.
  4. A control channel is created between the server and the client to control the client’s actions and synchronize the start of the various tests. The server and the client negotiate the test suite.
  5. The NDT client and the NDT server performs the negotiated test suite. The client opens new data channels back to the server for testing purposes. Allowing the client to open connections makes it easy to get past client-side firewall boxes.
  6. The server extracts the Web100 data and analyzes the connection for faults.
  7. The results are recorded in the servers’ log file and the results are returned to the client for display to the user.

Architecture Overview

We can look at the NDT architecture in two different ways:

  • by distinguish separate executable components (i.e. talk about web100clt and web100srv as two NDT components)
  • by distinguish different subcomponents that the NDT components are using (i.e. both web100clt and web100srv are using logging subcomponent)

NDT Components

A brief description of each of the NDT components can be found in the following table. All sources locations are relative to the root of the checked out sources from the code repository.

Component Type Description Sources Location
web100clt Client Tools The NDT Client application (used from command line). src

web100clt.c test_sfw_clt.c test_mid_clt.c test_c2s_clt.c test_s2c_clt.c test_meta_clt.c test_results_clt.c network.c usage.c logging.c utils.c protocol.c runningtest.c ndtptestconstants.c strlutils.c jsonutils.c
Tcpbw100.jar Server/Client Tools The Java Applet-based client that requires JVM browser plugin installed at the client machine. Applet/src
web100srv Server Tools The NDT Server application. src

web100srv.c test_sfw_srv.c test_meta_srv.c test_c2s_srv.c test_s2c_srv.c test_mid_srv.c heuristics.c web100-util.c web100-pcap.c web100-admin.c runningtest.c network.c protocol.c usage.c utils.c mrange.c logging.c testoptions.c ndtptestconstants.c ndt_odbc.c strlutils.c jsonutils.c
analyze Administrative Tools Console based utility application that can look through the NDT log files and display the old test results. src

analyze.c usage.c logging.c
viewtrace Administrative Tools Console based utility application that can read tcpdump trace files to perform packet pair timings to determine what type of bottleneck link exists on the analyzed path. src

viewtrace.c usage.c logging.c utils.c
genplot Administrative Tools Console based utility that can read Web100 snaplog trace files and generate xplot graphs from the obtained Web100 variables. src

genplot.c usage.c
JAnalyze.jar Administrative Tools Java based utility application that can look through the NDT log files and display the old test results (along with displaying existing snaplog/tcpdump trace files and additional graphs). janalyze/src
Admin.class Administrative Tools The Java Applet-based application that provides an administrator view of the NDT usage statistics (this applet is responsible for drawing the bar graph that appears on the admin view html page). Admin
fakewww Server Tools Optional 'lite' web server. NOTE: fakewww is deprecated. It is suggested that folks use a server like Apache instead src

fakewww.c troute.c troute6.c tr-tree.c tr-tree6.c network.c usage.c logging.c
tr-mkmap Administrative Tools Console based utility application can be used with NDT's federated mode. The utility takes files containing traceroute runs between all the federated ndt servers, and generates a "tree" file. fakewww will consult this tree file when clients connect to ascertain which is the closest NDT server to the client. fakewww will then redirect the client to that server. src

tr-mkmap.c tr-tree.c tr-tree6.c usage.c logging.c

NDT subcomponents

NDT Server subcomponents

All subcomponents of the NDT Server (web100srv) can be seen on the following diagram:


NDT C Client subcomponents

All subcomponents of the NDT C Client (web100clt) can be seen on the following diagram:


Subcomponents description

A description of each of the NDT subcomponents can be found in the following table. All source files are located in the src directory under the root of the checked out sources from the code repository.

Test Subcomponents
Subcomponent Used by Description API Sources
SFW Test (C) web100clt The client part of the Simple Firewall Test int test_sfw_clt(int ctlsockfd, char tests, char* host, int conn_options)
int results_sfw(char tests, char* host)
test_sfw_clt.c test_sfw.h
SFW Test (S) web100srv The server part of the Simple Firewall Test int test_sfw_srv(int ctlsockfd, web100_agent* agent, TestOptions* options, int conn_options) test_sfw_srv.c test_sfw.h testoptions.h
MID Test (C) web100clt The client part of the Middlebox Test int test_mid_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options, int buf_size, char* tmpstr2) test_mid_clt.c clt_tests.h
MID Test (S) web100srv The server part of the Middlebox Test int test_mid(int ctlsockfd, web100_agent* agent, TestOptions* options, int conn_options, double* s2c2spd) test_mid_srv.c tests_srv.h testoptions.h
C2S Test (C) web100clt The client part of the Client-To-Server Throughput Test int test_c2s_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options, int buf_size) test_c2s_clt.c clt_tests.h
C2S Test (S) web100srv The server part of the Client-To-Server Throughput Test int test_c2s(int ctlsockfd, web100_agent* agent, TestOptions* testOptions, int conn_options, double* c2sspd, int set_buff, int window, int autotune, char* device, Options* options, int record_reverse, int count_vars, char spds[4][256], int* spd_index) test_c2s_srv.c tests_srv.h testoptions.h
S2C Test (C) web100clt The client part of the Server-To-Client Throughput Test int test_s2c_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options, int buf_size, char* tmpstr) test_s2c_clt.c clt_tests.h
S2C Test (S) web100srv The server part of the Server-To-Client Throughput Test int test_s2c(int ctlsockfd, web100_agent* agent, TestOptions* testOptions, int conn_options, double* s2cspd, int set_buff, int window, int autotune, char* device, Options* options, char spds[4][256], int* spd_index, int count_vars, CwndPeaks* peaks) test_s2c_srv.c tests_srv.h testoptions.h
META Test (C) web100clt The client part of the META Test int test_meta_clt(int ctlSocket, char tests, char* host, int conn_options) test_meta_clt.c test_meta.h
META Test (S) web100srv The server part of the META Test int test_meta_srv(int ctlsockfd, web100_agent* agent, TestOptions* testOptions, int conn_options) test_meta_srv.c test_meta.h testoptions.h
Utility Subcomponents
logging web100srv
Logging subcomponent that is responsible for printing informational messages on to the console. It can filter messages according to the currently set debug level. Moreover, this subcomponent is also responsible for dates/timestamps handling. void log_init(char* progname, int debuglvl)
void set_debuglvl(int debuglvl)
void set_logfile(char* filename)
int get_debuglvl()
char* get_logfile()
I2ErrHandle get_errhandle()
void log_print(int lvl, const char* format, ...)
void log_println(int lvl, const char* format, ...)
void log_free(void)
void set_timestamp()
char* get_ISOtime(char * isoTime)
void get_YYYY(char * year)
void get_MM(char * month)
void get_DD(char * day)
logging.c logging.h
network web100srv
Subcomponent that is responsible for all network operations. I2Addr CreateListenSocket(I2Addr addr, char* serv, int options, int buf_size)
int CreateConnectSocket(int* sockfd, I2Addr local_addr, I2Addr server_addr, int option, int buf_sizes)
int send_msg(int ctlSocket, int type, void* msg, int len)
int recv_msg(int ctlSocket, int* type, void* msg, int* len)
int writen(int fd, void* buf, int amount)
int readn(int fd, void* buf, int amount)
network.c network.h
protocol web100srv
Functions to support NDT Protocol. int check_msg_type(char* prefix, int expected, int received, char* buff, int len) protocol.c protocol.h
utils web100srv
Functions to handle numbers sanity checks and some other utility things. int check_int(char* text, int* number)
int check_rint(char* text, int* number, int minVal, int maxVal)
int check_long(char* text, long* number)
double secs()
void err_sys(char* s)
int sndq_len(int fd)
void mysleep(double time)
utils.c utils.h
Web100 support web100srv Functions needed to read the Web100 variables. void get_iflist(void)
int web100_init(char *VarFileName)
int web100_autotune(int sock, web100_agent* agent, web100_connection* cn)
void web100_middlebox(int sock, web100_agent* agent, web100_connection* cn, char *results)
int web100_setbuff(int sock, web100_agent* agent, web100_connection* cn, int autotune)
void web100_get_data_recv(int sock, web100_agent* agent, web100_connection* cn, int count_vars)
int web100_get_data(web100_snapshot* snap, int ctlsock, web100_agent* agent, int count_vars)
int CwndDecrease(web100_agent* agent, char* logname, int *dec_cnt, int *same_cnt, int *inc_cnt)
int web100_logvars(int *Timeouts, int *SumRTT, int *CountRTT, int *PktsRetrans, int *FastRetran, int *DataPktsOut, int *AckPktsOut, int *CurrentMSS, int *DupAcksIn, int *AckPktsIn, int *MaxRwinRcvd, int *Sndbuf, int *CurrentCwnd, int *SndLimTimeRwin, int *SndLimTimeCwnd, int *SndLimTimeSender, int *DataBytesOut, int *SndLimTransRwin, int *SndLimTransCwnd, int *SndLimTransSender, int *MaxSsthresh, int *CurrentRTO, int *CurrentRwinRcvd, int *MaxCwnd, int *CongestionSignals, int *PktsOut, int *MinRTT, int count_vars, int *RcvWinScale, int *SndWinScale, int *CongAvoid, int *CongestionOverCount, int *MaxRTT, int *OtherReductions, int *CurTimeoutCount, int *AbruptTimeouts, int *SendStall, int *SlowStart, int *SubsequentTimeouts, int *ThruBytesAcked)
web100-util.c web100srv.h
pcap support web100srv Functions that use pcap library in the bottleneck detection algorithm. void init_pkttrace(I2Addr srcAddr, struct sockaddr *sock_addr, socklen_t saddrlen, int monitor_pipe[2], char *device, PortPair* pair, char * direction, int compress)
int check_signal_flags()
web100-pcap.c web100srv.h
admin page web100srv Functions needed to handle the Admin page, which allows a remote user to view the usage statistics via a web page. void view_init(int refresh)
int calculate(char now[32], int SumRTT, int CountRTT, int CongestionSignals, int PktsOut, int DupAcksIn, int AckPktsIn, int CurrentMSS, int SndLimTimeRwin, int SndLimTimeCwnd, int SndLimTimeSender, int MaxRwinRcvd, int CurrentCwnd, int Sndbuf, int DataBytesOut, int mismatch, int bad_cable, int c2sspd, int s2cspd, int c2sdata, int s2cack, int view_flag)
void gen_html(int c2sspd, int s2cspd, int MinRTT, int PktsRetrans, int Timeouts, int Sndbuf, int MaxRwinRcvd, int CurrentCwnd, int mismatch, int bad_cable, int totalcnt, int refresh)
web100-admin.c web100-admin.h
mrange web100srv Functions to handle port number ranges. This means that the numbers generated by these methods are always between 1 and 65535 inclusive. int mrange_parse(char* text)
char* mrange_next(char* port)
mrange.c mrange.h

Some of the Utility Subcomponents depend on other of the Utility Subcomponents. The Test Subcomponents dependencies were included in the diagrams above. The Utility Subcomponent dependencies are listed in the diagram below.


NDT Java Applet subcomponents

The NDT Java Applet-based client (Tcpbw100.jar) has the same functionality as the command line client (web100clt), but all its code is located in a single file. The concise implementation allow us to only distinguish the following subcomponents related to particular tests:

Subcomponent Location
SFW Test (C) boolean test_sfw(Protocol ctl)
MID Test (C) boolean test_mid(Protocol ctl)
C2S Test (C) boolean test_c2s(Protocol ctl)
S2C Test (C) boolean test_s2c(Protocol ctl, Socket ctlSocket)
META Test (C) boolean test_meta(Protocol ctl)
Protocol Class Protocol
User Interface Throughout

This simple architecture can be seen on the following diagram:


Build Instructions


NDT makes use of a number of third-party components:

Library Required To Build Client? Required To Run Client? Required To Build Server? Required To Run Server?
Web100 Kernel Modifications No No No Yes
Web100 Library No No Yes Yes
Jansson library Yes (C client only) Yes (C client only) Yes Yes
pcap library No No Yes Yes
I2Util library Yes (C Client Only) No Yes No
zlib library No No No (compression of test results will be disabled) No
odbc library No No No (storing results in a SQL database will be disabled) No
Java SDK Yes (Java Client-only) Yes (Java Client-only) No (JAnalyze application and Admin.class will not be built) No

If NDT discovers the above components during the configure process, the associated software will be built. Otherwise, only the software that can be built with the available third-party components will be built.

Web100 patched Linux kernel

Web100 patch for the Linux kernel can be obtained from the Web100 download page.

The base Linux kernel can be obtained from the ftp site:

  • ftp and change directory to the proper Linux kernel directory

Unpack the kernel tar file in the /usr/src directory, unpack the Web100 kernel patch, and apply the patch:

  • patch –p3 < path-to-kernel-patch-file

It is important to note that kernel patch files are keyed to a specific version of the Linux kernel. You must look at the Web100 kernel readme file to determine which kernel version you need to download/patch.

Configure and build the new kernel; note: you must enable “Prompt for development code ...” so that Web100 options appear under “Networking Options.” Modify the boot loader configuration file, reboot, and test the new system.

Web100 user library

Web100 user library can be obtained from the Web100 download page.

After downloading the Web100 user library sources, unpack the downloaded tar file and use the standard GNU automake commands:

  1. Change directory to package directory
  2. Create local make files (./configure {--prefix=dir})
  3. Build library and utility files (make)
  4. Install library and utility files (make install)

Once the kernel is built and running, it will automatically begin collecting data on every TCP connection to/from the server. The user library file contains the routines needed to extract that kernel data from the system. The administrator can verify that the kernel is recording properly by using the /usr/local/bin/gutil program. This X-windows based GUI allows the administrator to monitor any TCP connection going to/from the server.

pcap library

The pcap library provides raw access to the network interface. The NDT uses packet pair dispersion techniques to determine the bottleneck link speed/type. This means that the runtime library must be installed on the NDT server. This library is a standard part of all Linux distributions. The administrator should check the NDT server to ensure the pcap library was installed when the system was built.

The command:

ls /usr/lib/libpcap*

will return several files if the libraries are installed. If they are not installed, obtain the installation package from your favorite mirror site or download and install the source from the web site.

Jansson library

The Jansson library is used by NDT server and C-client to encode/decode messages using JSON format. The source code can be obtained from

I2Util library

The I2Util library is already included in the newest tar package from the NDT download page (

However, it is not included in the source code obtained from the NDT repository ( In this case the I2Util library sources can be obtained anonymously over HTTP by using the following command:

git clone I2util

Next, the following steps need to be performed before the NDT can be properly built:

  1. Change directory to the newly created I2Util directory
  2. Create the configure scripts (./bootstrap)


NDT sources can be obtained in two ways:

  • by checking out the newest code from the git repository (
  • by downloading the newest tar package from the download page (

Building the NDT components

Once all the pre-requisites are installed, the admin is now ready to create the NDT system by using the standard GNU automake tools to create and install the executables:

  1. Change directory to package directory
  2. Create make files (./configure {--prefix=/some/dir})

The configure process displays the short summary about the configured NDT modules:

***   Network Diagnostic Tool   ***
*       configured modules        *

*** Client Tools - complete
* web100clt:    YES
* Tcpbw100.jar: YES
* flash-client: YES

*** Server Tools - complete
* fakewww:      YES
* web100srv:    YES

*** Administrative Tools - complete
* analyze:      YES
* viewtrace:    YES
* tr-mkmap:     YES
* genplot:      YES
* JAnalyze.jar: YES
* Admin.class:  YES
  1. Build executables (make)
  2. Install executables (make install)

This process creates both server programs (web100srv and fakewww), the client tool (web100clt), the administrative tools (analyze, viewtrace, genplot, tr-mkmap), and it builds the java class and jar programs. The make install process puts all the executables in the proper place.

Preparing release packages

In order to prepare the release package, the I2Util library sources have to be located inside the NDT sources directory.

The release package is created with the following command:

make dist

The above command will create a gzipped tar archive (ndt-VERSION.tar.gz).

It is also possible to create release packages in different formats. You can find all supported formats in the following table:

command package type package name
make dist-gzip tar archive compressed with gzip ndt-VERSION.tar.gz
make dist-bzip2 tar archive compressed with bzip2 ndt-VERSION.tar.bz2
make dist-lzma tar archive compressed with lzma ndt-VERSION.tar.lzma
make dist-xz tar archive compressed with xz ndt-VERSION.tar.xz
make dist-tarZ tar archive compressed with compress ndt-VERSION.tar.Z
make dist-shar shar archive compressed with gzip ndt-VERSION.shar.gz
make dist-zip zip archive