The simple and easy-to-use package for making Nebri api requests from a jQuery application.
This app is intended for use with a Nebri instance. Visit to sign up for free!
Copy jquery.nebri.js to the appropriate location in your application. In order to use this component to make Nebri api requests, you must instantiate the object. ``` var nebri = $.NebriClient('instance_name'); ``` - instance name is your Nebri instance name. i.e. api_request: has 4 required arguments - api_module: the name of the api module stored on your Nebri instance - view_name: the name of the target function contained in the given api module - method: the desired HTTP request method - payload: an object containing params and values, can be an empty object - callback (optional): the function to execute after a successful api request. this callback will receive all data included in your view's response - error_callback (optional): the function to execute after an unsuccessful api request. ``` var nebri = $.NebriClient('instance_name'); var request = nebri.api_request('greeting_api', 'start_greeting', "GET", {"greeting":"hello"}, function(data){ console.log(data); //outputs {"identifier": "02fe4cee4d484b9bae044bd640bce76"} }); ``` ``` var callback_func = function(data) { console.log(data); //outputs {"identifier": "02fe4cee4d484b9bae044bd640bce76"} }; var nebri = $.NebriClient('instance_name'); var request = nebri.api_request('greeting_api', 'start_greeting', "GET", {"greeting":"hello"}, callback_func); ``` ``` var callback_func = function(data) { console.log(data); }; var error_callback_func = function(data) { console.log(data); //outputs Bad Request Response because greeting isn't supported }; var nebri = $.NebriClient('instance_name'); var request = nebri.api_request('greeting_api', 'start_greeting', "GET", {"greeting":"hi"}, callback_func, error_callback_func); ``` jQuery>=1.7.2