This is a plugin for the Franz Messaging App that wraps Viber inside a docker container, published via novnc.
(In simple terms think of this as a "web based" Viber wrapper...)
To get up and running you will need to:
- Install Docker (on your machine, or a server somewhere that will "publish" your Viber application)...
- Install Docker Compose - Pretty straightforward, follow the instructions...
- Configure & start the Viber container...
- Install the Viber plugin to Franz.
This is fairly straightforward, just run the following commands from the viber-docker
docker-compose up --build -d
By default the container will auto-start when Docker starts (so if you restart your computer, it will come back automatically).
Please see the franz-plugin/readme file for instructions on installing and enabling the Viber Plugin within Franz.
If you move this project's files around after you have stood up the docker container, you will need to: docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
the viber-docker directory again.
If you want to run just the docker container on the web (to publish Viber as if it was a Web Based Chat app) I suggest you put a service such as Caddy in-front of the service to provide a free SSL certificate (via Lets Encrypt) - You will also want to change the default VNC password in viber-docker/docker-root/etc/cont-init.d/10-setup-vnc
to something unique and secure.
You may then access the service via your favourite browser like so:
There's currently no notifications hooked into Franz - We might be able to do this by monitor any signal sent via libpulse and assume it's a Notification?
Map audio through to Host Client from Libpulse (See: novnc/noVNC#302)