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Script to scrape and edit videos

This python script will help you download videos from different sources and do basic editing in then. Below is the comprehensive usage manual

Installation Instructions

Make sure you have python and pip installed

Install prerequisites

Type pip install -r requirements.txt in cmd from this folder to install necessary programs to run this script

Run the script

Type python to run the script

Basic Functionalities

----------------------------Menu---------------------------- 1: Add Video 2: Add Audio 3: Clip 4: Concatenate video 5: Apply Filter 6: Render 7: Clear Data 8: Show Status 9: Exit ------------------------------------------------------------

Adding videos

-----------------------Import Videos------------------------ 1: Import from disk 2: Import from YouTube 3: Import from TikTok 4: Create from Text 5: Back ------------------------------------------------------------ You can add and download videos simultaneously into your current project. Downloading only supports: - YouTube - TikTok

  • Option 1: You can also import locally saved videos.
  • Option 2: Download and import video from YouTube video urls directly.
  • Option 3: Download and import video from TikTok
    • Download from provided url
    • Download provided number of trending clips in your area
  • Option 4: Create a clip from to be provided text. Will take a text input and generate a provided timed clip with that text. Easy to add some notes.

Adding audios

Import locally saved audio into your project to be used in clips

Importing videos as clips to edit

Clip imported videos or mark imported videos to be able to edit then You can clip certain portion of the imported video by giving timestamp input as HR:MIN:SEC For eg. 0:10:3 to select 10 minute 3 second timemark

Apply Filters/Edit Videos

-----------------------Select Filters----------------------- 1: fadein 2: fadeout 3: crop 4: changeSpeed 5: reverseClip 6: rotateClip 7: resizeClip 8: addText 9: paintClip 10: overlayAudio 11: removeAudio 12: Back ------------------------------------------------------------ Edit clips and apply different effects Supported filters/edits: - FadeIn at the beginning of clip - FadeOut at the end of clip - Crop portion of clip - ChangeSpeed of clip - Reverse the clip flow - Rotate the clip orientation - Resize the clip dimensions - AddText over the clip providing the text position using coordinates - Paint the clip for ink painting effect - OverlayAudio to add audio onto the clip - RemoveAudio from the clip(Removes entire audio including the one being overlayed. So, advised to first remove audio then apply other overlaying audio)

Note while using Filters: Donot crop after applying filters. If you have to crop the clip. First crop and then apply needed filters to avoid crashes

Concatenate clips

Sequence clips to be rendered. The position of clip in the concatenation sequence will determine the clip's queue. You can check the concatenation sequence from main menu using option 8: Show Status which will be displayed as: Example: -> [Clip 3] -> [Clip 1] -> [Clip 5] ->

Show project status

-----------------------------Added Videos----------------------------- 0: Name: helo Path: /home/needle/projects/moviepy/rendered/22_07_10_23_42_29.mp4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ---------------------------Extracted Clips---------------------------- 0: Origin: helo Portion: [0, 51.57] Filters: ['addText'] ----------------------------------------------------------------------\ \ ------------------------Concatenation Sequence------------------------ -> [Clip 0] -> [Clip 0] ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Undo/Revert project variables

-------------------------Clear data------------------------- 1: Video List 2: Clip List 3: Concatenation List 4: Audio List 5: All Data 6: Back ------------------------------------------------------------ Reset project variables like:

  • Imported videos
  • Clips
  • Clip from concatenation sequence
  • Imported audio
  • Everyting


Moviepy - Building video /home/needle/projects/moviepy/rendered/22_07_11_20_03_56.mp4. MoviePy - Writing audio in 22_07_11_20_03_56TEMP_MPY_wvf_snd.mp3 chunk: 61%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████▋ | 1379/2275 [00:00<00:00, 1449.76it/s, now=None]

Renderes clips after concatenation according to the concatenation sequence


Video scraping and editing python script







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