FEconomy is an unturned economy plugin that uses a NoSQL document store database.
FPlugins Discord Support: https://discord.gg/4FF2548
This plugin will have a lot of updates with a lot of features like taxes and other stuff.
This plugin uses a workshop mod to display player balance. Mod: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2256346633
/pay <player> <ammount>
/mexange <ammount>
/exange <ammount>
/setbalance <player> <money>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<EconomyConfiguration xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<DownloadLibraries>false</DownloadLibraries> This is for auto downloading libraries
<XpMode>false</XpMode> Here you can set the economy mode to xp
<Taxes>true</Taxes> Here you enable or disable taxes
<DisconectedPlayersTaxes>2000</DisconectedPlayersTaxes> Here is the taxes ammount for disconected players this only work if DisconectedPlayersPayTaxes = true
<DisconectedPlayersPayTaxes>false</DisconectedPlayersPayTaxes> Here you can enable taxes for disconected players
<InitialMoney>10000</InitialMoney> Initial money :D
<SalaryInterval>3060</SalaryInterval> Salary interval (Seconds)
<TaxesInterval>432000</TaxesInterval> Taxes interval (Seconds)
<CurrencyName>dolars</CurrencyName> Currency name
<MoneyUI>true</MoneyUI> Enable or disable monney ui
<Group> This is the list of gruop that contains salarys and taxes of every group