This application is intended for web-only development purposes. It uses the node package json-server
to automatically generate an REST API from a json database file.
This version adds:
- Authentication using express-session. Sign in, sign out, and sign up
- Authorization. You can configure some routes to be private. Only users that are signed in and are the owners of the entities can accss them
- PeerJS server. Access peerjs-server functionality at ´/peerjs´
- Websockets server using
- Nodejs installed
To run the application:
- Execute
npm install
- Execute
npm run start
- The API is ready at
- The peerjs service is ready at
The servers reads a configuration file at startup to add the desired features. Here it is an example:
"authentication": {
"private": false
"authorization": [
"orders", "users"
"fileUpload": true,
"filter": [
"entity": "users",
"fields": [
This is an object that can contain a field private
. If the fild is present, then authentication is added to the api. In this case the server assumes that there is an entity users
int the database, and it contains the fields username, password
. There are three new endpoints:
POST /users/login
It expects a body in the form application/json
with a single JSON object with two fields: username, password
. If there is a user that matches, it stores the user id in the express session and the following REST calls from the same client are authenticated.
POST /users/logout
It ignores the body and simple deletes the user id from the express session. All the following REST calls from the same client are not authenticated.
GET /users/self
If the user is authenticated, it returns a 200 OK
with the user info. If not, it returns a 400 BAD_REQUEST
with error information.
This option only activates if authentication
is enabled. It allows to restrict access to certain entities only for the owners of those ones. For this option to work, the entity that will be subject of authorization must have a filed called userId
which value is the id of a users
entity (the owner).
This field contains an array of string corresponding to the entities that we want to restrict access.
This field has to be an object. If it is present, a new endpoint files
is created to upload and download binary files. The object must contain a filed dest
with a relative path to an existing folder where all files will be stored. The object may also contain a boolean field keepNames
if yu want the files stored with the same name they get in the multi-part body.
POST /files
It uploads a set of files in a multi-part body. It returns an array of filenames as stored in the server.
GET /files/:filename
If returns the file with name filename
This feature allows to have restricted access to entities that you do not own. For those entities, only the fields specified in the array fields
will be displayed. This feature should not be used at the same time that authorization
with the same entity.
This feature allows to start two additional services: peerjs and Accepted values are peerjs
and ws
. There are two files in the public
folder to test the services: index_ws.html
and index_peerjs.html