A full stack web application, independently built by me whlist learning to code by myself. It was designed to be an educational resource for children sitting school entrance exams. It consists of a range of tutorial videos and questions.
Users can sign up and login where they are redirected to the profile page. Then they can choose from a range of chapters to enter, watch the video and answer the questions below.
I used an api to talk to a MongoDB database to increase the score by 10 points (or 20/30) every time a correct answer is entered.
This was built before I attended Makers Academy bootcamp, so I would built it sligthly differently now and add in a suite of tests.
I used the following technologies to build the app:
Node JS/Express
Deployed online here: https://www.snowytopmaths.co.uk/
install node on the command line
run npm install
run npm start
runs on localserver 3000