Use Gulp + Sass instead of Grunt + less, check the repos - hiooyUI/pix2remjs, both are the same. a responsive design soluction for mobile web page [compatible with all popular mobile / appwebview browsers], meanwhile REM lives harmony with Pixel that means you can use 'px' and 'rem' at the same time. Version v2 is an alternative choice for fixing 1 pixel issue / Chrome mobile mode font-size issue (not supported less than 12px)
与hiooyUI/pix2remjs项目一样,只是实现方式不一样,这里用Gulp + Sass实现,而前者用Grunt + less实现。
一个几乎能适配所有手机端的非常简单易用的h5响应式设计解决方案[兼容所有流行的移动浏览器或者app内置浏览器], 移动端Rem解决方案, 与此同时,最方便之处是你可以同时使用REM单位或者px像素单位互不冲突,非常和谐,[如果觉得1像素问题/Chrome mobile模式下显示最小12px不好处理,可以选择V2版本,但V2版本有个缺点,就是与px单位共用时不灵活,需要针对dpr进行额外处理]
Use Gulp in Command line, run npm install
and gulp
Gulp环境命令行通过npm安装, 输入npm install
npm install