Logging GNSS NMEA Datas using STM32 Primer2 hardware!
-- 4-direction and center key inputs.
-- Battery management with low voltage auto shutdown.
-- Push key to select below three functions.
-- Systick mSec Timer and uSec Timer(Using hardware timer).
-- Indication LEDs. -
GNSS Data Logging
-- Using ChaN's FatFs Filesystem.
-- Using SDIO with DMA Driver.
-- Supports MMC,SDSC,SDHC,SDXC and eMMC. -
USB Mass Storage
-- Using SDIO with DMA Driver.
-- Supports MMC,SDSC,SDHC,SDXC and eMMC.
-- Using doublebuffered endpoints(Bulk IN only).
-- WR:0.55MB/Sec,RD:0.21MB/Sec(using SDSC 1GB card case). -
USB CDC Virtual Comport
-- Using doublebuffered endpoints(Bulk IN only).
-- Improved UART Rx performance and stability.
-- It can send/receive datas to many GPS/GNSS Modules NMEA-0183 Sentences.
-- Supports 4800~115200Bps,8bit,noparity,1stopbit.
This program can build following compilers
-GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors(Recommend)
And MUST need Coreutils/GNUMake for windows to build this projects.
see /doc/ReadFirst.txt
see /doc/Whatnew.txt
see /doc/Copyright.txt