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1. Overview

This is a light-weight golang SDK for Neo N3. It can be used to access blockchain data via RPC, convert Neo N3 data types, build smart contract script, make and send transactions, interact with Neo N3 wallet file, etc.

1.1 Version

Developed and tested based on the following versions:

  • Neo CLI v3.0.0-rc2

  • NEO v3.0.0-rc2

  • NEO-VM v3.0.0-rc2

2. Quickstart

Make sure you have Go installed on your computer before you move forward.

2.1 Installation

First, simply add this SDK to GOPATH:

go get

Secondly, in your Go project, import the necessary modules from neo3-gogogo, for instance:

import (

// The avaliable modules are: 
// helper, block, blockchain, crypto, mpt, nep17, sc, tx, wallet

Then, create a RPC client to connect to a specific network via a URL which is used to send your transactions. The URL will be different based on the network you are connecting to.

var testNetEndPoint := ""
var client := rpc.NewClient(testNetEndPoint)

Eventually, you will need a wallet to sign transactions which will be sent to Neo Blockchain. You can either create a new wallet or import existing one. Please check wallet module for more details.

//Open your wallet with privateKey
privateKey := []byte{} // add your private key here
walletHelper, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromPrivateKey(client, privateKey)

Now, you are all set to explore more features with Neo go SDK, including:

  • wallet manangement
  • query blockchain info via rpc calls
  • sending assets like NEO, GAS and NEP17 tokens
  • invoking smart contracts
  • making and sending transactions

2.2 Demos

2.2.1 Transfer asset

package demo

import (

func main() {
	// first you need to have access to the RPC port of a neo full node
	yourPort := "http://helloworld:20332"
	client := rpc.NewClient(yourPort)

	// suppose you have a neo wallet file
	var magic uint32 = 00000000 // change to your network magic number
	ps := helper.ProtocolSettings{
		Magic:          magic,
		AddressVersion: helper.DefaultAddressVersion,
	w, err := wallet.NewNEP6Wallet("your neo wallet file path", &ps, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// do something
	err = w.Unlock("your wallet password")
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// create a WalletHelper
	wh := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromWallet(client, w)

	// if you do not have a wallet file, choose one of the following ways to create a WalletHelper
	// create a WalletHelper from private key
	privateKey := []byte{} // add your private key here
	wh1, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromPrivateKey(client, privateKey)
	// create a WalletHelper from NEP2
	wh2, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromNEP2(client, "your nep2 key", "your password", 16384, 8, 8)
	// create a WalletHelper from WIF
	wh3, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromWIF(client, "your wif key")

	assetHashString := "your asset hash string in big endian" // e.g., neo is 0xef4073a0f2b305a38ec4050e4d3d28bc40ea63f5
	assetHash, err := helper.UInt160FromString(assetHashString)
	if err != nil {
		// do something
	amount := big.NewInt(100000000) // the amount you need to transfer, must counting all the decimals of that token, e.g., 1 gas is 100000000
	hash, err := wh.Transfer(assetHash, "the address to transfer to", amount, magic)

	// hash is the transaction hash

2.2.2 Invoke contracts and send transactions

package demo

import (

func main() {
	// first you need to have access to the RPC port of a neo full node
	yourPort := "http://helloworld:20332"
	client := rpc.NewClient(yourPort)

	// suppose you have a neo wallet file
	var magic uint32 = 00000000 // change to your network magic number
	ps := helper.ProtocolSettings{
		Magic:          magic,
		AddressVersion: helper.DefaultAddressVersion,
	w, err := wallet.NewNEP6Wallet("your neo wallet file path", &ps, nil, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// do something
	err = w.Unlock("your wallet password")
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// create a WalletHelper
	wh := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromWallet(client, w)

	// build script
	scriptHash, err := helper.UInt160FromString("the contract script hash you want to invoke in big endian")
	if err != nil {
		// do something
	// if your contract method has parameters
	cp1 := sc.ContractParameter{
		Type:  sc.ByteArray,
		Value: []byte{},
	script, err := sc.MakeScript(scriptHash, "contract method you want to invoke", []interface{}{cp1})
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// get balance of gas in your account
	balancesGas, err := wh.GetAccountAndBalance(tx.GasToken)
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// make transaction
	trx, err := wh.MakeTransaction(script, nil, []tx.ITransactionAttribute{}, balancesGas)
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// sign transaction
	trx, err = wh.SignTransaction(trx, magic)
	if err != nil {
		// do something

	// send the transaction
	rawTxString := crypto.Base64Encode(trx.ToByteArray())
	response := wh.Client.SendRawTransaction(rawTxString)
	if response.HasError() {
		// do something

	hash := trx.GetHash().String()
	// hash is the transaction hash

3. Modules Introduction

3.1 "block" module

This module defines the blockhead and block struct along with their functions used in neo, such as serializing/deserializing, hashing of a blockhead.

3.2 "blockchain" module

This module defines the storage key/value struct in neo which will mainly be used in state services in this SDK.

3.3 "crypto" module

This module offers methods used for cryptography purposes, such as AES encryption/decryption, Base58/Base64 encoding/decoding, Hash160/Hash256 hashing functions, eliptic curve points (public key) related functions, and script hash/address conversion functions. For more information about the crypto algorithms used in neo, refer to Cryptography.

Typical usage:

package sample

import "crypto/elliptic"
import "encoding/hex"
import ""
import ""
import "math/big"

func SampleMethod() {
	// AES encryption/decryption
	src := helper.HexToBytes("3b75c0cee38f1e4fa123fad71c3f3e43dc8599c9bedb3aa16e4f8b9239a6d946")
	key := helper.HexToBytes("e23c14a11c4ccefda68918331cbd2caf3e680d78b72e19c1fc8675b9636d0de8")
	encrypted, err := crypto.AESEncrypt(src, key)
	decrypted, err := crypto.AESDecrypt(encrypted, key)

	// Base58Check encoding/decoding
	var b58CheckEncoded = "KxhEDBQyyEFymvfJD96q8stMbJMbZUb6D1PmXqBWZDU2WvbvVs9o"
	var b58CheckDecodedHex = "802bfe58ab6d9fd575bdc3a624e4825dd2b375d64ac033fbc46ea79dbab4f69a3e01"

	b58CheckDecoded, _ := hex.DecodeString(b58CheckDecodedHex)
	encoded := crypto.Base58CheckEncode(b58CheckDecoded)
	decoded, err := crypto.Base58CheckDecode(b58CheckEncoded)

	// Base64 encoding/decoding
	b64encoded := crypto.Base64Encode([]byte{0x01, 0x02})
	b64decoded, err := crypto.Base64Decode("DCEC6W884XWN8uDUF64bnkk64et86LWWDjdHd+AZQ+2vyC0LQZVEDXg=")

	// Sha256, Hash256, Hash160
	b := []byte("Hello World")
	s1 := crypto.Sha256(b)
	s2 := crypto.Hash256(b)
	s3 := crypto.Hash160(b)

	// ec point related
	var p256 = elliptic.P256()
	point, err := crypto.CreateECPoint(big.NewInt(100), big.NewInt(200), &p256)
	point, err := crypto.NewECPointFromBytes([]byte{})
	point, err := crypto.NewECPointFromString("")
	point, err := crypto.DecodePoint([]byte{}, &p256)
	point, err := crypto.FromBytes([]byte{}, &p256)


	// script hash/address conversion
	scriptHash, err := crypto.AddressToScriptHash("NdtB8RXRmJ7Nhw1FPTm7E6HoDZGnDw37nf", helper.DefaultAddressVersion)
	address := crypto.ScriptHashToAddress(helper.UInt160FromBytes(crypto.Hash160([]byte{0x01})), helper.DefaultAddressVersion)


3.4 "helper" module

As its name indicated, this module acts as a helper and provides some standard param types used in neo, such as UInt160, UInt256, and some auxiliary methods with basic functionalities including conversion between a hex string and a byte array, conversion between a script hash and a standard neo address, concatenating/reversing byte arrays and so on.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	// UInt160
	v1, err := helper.UInt160FromString("0x2d3b96ae1bcc5a585e075e3b81920210dec16302")
	b, err := hex.DecodeString("2d3b96ae1bcc5a585e075e3b81920210dec16302")
	v2 := helper.UInt160FromBytes(helper.ReverseBytes(b))
	s1 := v1.String()
	ba1 := v2.ToByteArray()
	// v1 and v2 are equal

	// UInt256
	u1, err := helper.UInt256FromString("f037308fa0ab18155bccfc08485468c112409ea5064595699e98c545f245f32d")
	b2, err := hex.DecodeString("f037308fa0ab18155bccfc08485468c112409ea5064595699e98c545f245f32d")
	u2 := helper.UInt256FromBytes(helper.ReverseBytes(b2))
	s2 := u1.String()
	ba2 := u2.ToByteArray()
	// u1 and u2 are equal

	// reverse bytes
	b3 := []byte{1, 2, 3}
	r := helper.ReverseBytes(b3)

	// concatenate bytes
	b4 := []byte{4, 5, 6}
	c := helper.ConcatBytes(b3, b4)

	// convert byte array to hex string
	s := helper.BytesToHex(b3)

	// convert hex string to byte array
	b5 := helper.HexToBytes(s)

	// reverse a string
	s3 := helper.ReverseString(s)

	// integer types and byte array conversion
	bs := helper.UInt64ToBytes(uint64(12345678))
	n := helper.BytesToUInt64([]byte{})

	// generate random bytes
	bs, err := helper.GenerateRandomBytes(10)

	// big.Int and byte array in neo conversion
	neoBytes := helper.BigIntToNeoBytes(big.NewInt(12345678))
	bigInteger := helper.BigIntFromNeoBytes([]byte{})


3.5 "io" module

This module provides structs, methods and interfaces for serializing/deserializing operations in neo.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	// create a BinaryReader
	b := make([]byte, 4)
	br := io.NewBinaryReaderFromBuf(b)

	// use the BinaryReader to read something
	var result1 uint32
	result2 := br.ReadVarUInt() // result2 is uint64


	// create a BinaryWriter
	bf := new(bytes.Buffer)
	bw := io.NewBinaryWriterFromIO(bf)
	// or from a BufBinaryWriter
	bbw := io.NewBufBinaryWriter()
	bw := bbw.BinaryWriter

	// use the BinaryWriter to write something


3.6 "keys" module

This module defines the KeyPair struct which is a wrapper of a pair of private key and public key. The KeyPair can be used to sign messages.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	// create a KeyPair
	privateKey := make([]byte, 32)
	pair, err := keys.NewKeyPair(privateKey)
	pair, err := keys.NewKeyPairFromNEP2("6PYN7P7VnqHXEtsmn98gU9Vi65zg1rhLVdk4m8Uj9LChnVyZ7Cdq3rBLJK", "neo3-gogogo", helper.DefaultAddressVersion,
		16384, 8, 8)
	pair, err := keys.NewKeyPairFromWIF("L1caMUAsHr2dKwhqbMpYRcCzmzvZTfYZSCBefgARhz9iimAFRn1z")

	// export a KeyPair
	wif := pair.Export()
	nep2, err := pair.ExportWithPassword("neo3-gogogo", helper.DefaultAddressVersion, 16384, 8, 8)

	// sign messages
	data := []byte("hello world")
	signature, err := pair.Sign(data)

	// verify signature
	valid := keys.VerifySignature(data, signature, pair.PublicKey)


3.7 "mpt" module

This module provides structs and methods used to interact with the StateRoot in neo. For more information about the state service in neo, refer to StateService.

Typical usage:

package sample

import ""
import ""
import ""

func SampleMethod() {
	// resolve proof
	proofData, err := crypto.Base64Decode("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")
	root, _ := helper.UInt256FromString("0x7bf925dbd33af0e00d392b92313da59369ed86c82494d0e02040b24faac0a3ca")

	id, key, proofs, err := mpt.ResolveProof(proofData)

	// verify proof
	value, err := mpt.VerifyProof(root, id, key, proofs)


3.8 "nep17" module

This module provides wrapper structs and methods for NEP17 tokens. For more information about NEP17, refer to NEP17.

Typical usage:

package sample

import ""
import ""
import ""

func SampleMethod() {
	// create a new Nep17Helper
	scriptHash := helper.UInt160FromBytes([]byte{})
	client := rpc.NewClient("")
	nep := nep17.NewNep17Helper(scriptHash, client)

	// get symbol
	symbol, err := nep.Symbol()


3.9 "rpc" module

This module provides structs and methods which can be used to send RPC requests to and receive RPC responses from a neo node. For more information about neo RPC API, refer to APIs.

Typical usage:

package sample

import ""

func SampleMethod() {
	// create a rpc client
	var TestNetEndPoint = ""
	client := rpc.NewClient(TestNetEndPoint)

	// get block count
	r1 := client.GetBlockCount()
	height := r1.Result

	// get raw mempool, get all the transactions' id in this node's mempool
	r2 := client.GetRawMemPool()
	transactions := r2.Result

	// get transaction detail by its id
	r3 := client.GetRawTransaction("your transaction id string")
	tx := r3.Result

	// send raw transaction
	r4 := client.SendRawTransaction("raw transaction hex string")


3.10 "sc" module

This module is mainly used to build smart contract scripts which can be run in a neo virtual machine. For more information about neo smart contract and virtual machine, refer to NeoContract and NeoVM.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	// create a script builder
	sb := sc.NewScriptBuilder()

	// emit an OpCode

	// emit push a big integer

	// emit push a bool value

	// emit push bytes
	sb.EmitPushBytes([]byte{0x01, 0x02})

	// emit push a string
	sb.EmitPushString("hello world")

	// call a specific method from a specific contract without parameters
	scriptHash, _ := helper.UInt160FromString("b9d7ea3062e6aeeb3e8ad9548220c4ba1361d263")
	sb.EmitDynamicCall(scriptHash, "name", nil)

	// call a specific method from a specific contract with parameters
	sb.EmitDynamicCallObj(scriptHash, "balanceOf", sc.All, []interface{}{sc.ContractParameter{Type: sc.Hash160, Value: helper.NewUInt160()}})

	// create an array
	a := []interface{}{big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(3)}

	// create a map
	m := map[interface{}]interface{}{}
	m[big.NewInt(1)] = big.NewInt(2)
	m[big.NewInt(3)] = big.NewInt(4)

	// get the script
	script, err := sb.ToArray()


	// create a contract
	c := sc.CreateContract([]sc.ContractParameterType{sc.Signature}, script)

	// create a single signature contract
	pubKey, _ := crypto.NewECPointFromString("03b7a7f933199f28cc1c48d22a21c78ac3992cf7fceb038a9c670fe55444426619")
	c1, err := sc.CreateSignatureContract(pubKey)

	// create a multi signature contract
	pubKey2, _ := crypto.NewECPointFromString("027d73c8b02e446340caceee7a517cddff72440e60c28cbb84884f307760ecad5b")
	c2, err := sc.CreateMultiSigContract(1, []crypto.ECPoint{*pubKey, *pubKey2})


3.11 "tx" module

This module defines the transaction and the parts which make up a transaction in the neo network, and also provides structs and methods for building transactions from scratch. For more information about neo transactions, refer to Transaction.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	// generate a new empty transaction
	trx := tx.NewTransaction()

	// get transaction hash
	hash := trx.GetHash()

	// get raw transaction
	raw := trx.ToByteArray()


	// create a new signer
	s := tx.NewSigner(helper.NewUInt160(), tx.CalledByEntry)

	// create a witness
	w, err := tx.CreateWitness([]byte{}, []byte{})


3.12 "wallet" module

This module defines the account and the wallet in the neo network, and methods for creating an account or a wallet, signing a message/verifying signature with private/public key pair are also provided. For more information about the neo wallet, refer to Wallet.

Typical usage:

package sample

import (

func SampleMethod() {
	var password = "Satoshi"
	var privateKey = []byte{0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01,
		0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01}
	var pair, _ = keys.NewKeyPair(privateKey)
	var wif = pair.Export()
	var nep2, _ = pair.ExportWithPassword(password, helper.DefaultAddressVersion, 2, 1, 1)
	var testContract, _ = sc.CreateSignatureContract(pair.PublicKey)
	var testScriptHash = testContract.GetScriptHash()

	// create a new wallet
	testName := "testName"
	w, err := wallet.NewNEP6Wallet("path", &helper.DefaultProtocolSettings, &testName, nil)

	// add password to the wallet
	err = w.Unlock(password)

	// create an account with a random generated private key
	a1, err := w.CreateAccount()
	// or create an account with your own private key
	a2, err := w.CreateAccountWithPrivateKey(privateKey)
	// or create an account with contract and key pair
	a3, err := w.CreateAccountWithContract(testContract, pair)
	// or create an account with the script hash
	a4, err := w.CreateAccountWithScriptHash(testScriptHash)

	// import an account from WIF string
	a5, err := w.ImportFromWIF(wif)
	// import an account from NEP2 key and password
	a6, err := w.ImportFromNEP2(nep2, password, 2, 1, 1)

	// delete an account

	// check if an account exists
	contained := w.Contains(testScriptHash)

	// get a single account by its script hash
	acc := w.GetAccountByScriptHash(testScriptHash)

	// get all accounts
	accounts := w.GetAccounts()

	// lock and unlock
	err = w.Unlock(password)

	// verify password
	verified := w.VerifyPassword(password)

	// decrypt key
	k, err := w.DecryptKey(nep2)


	var TestNetEndPoint = ""
	client := rpc.NewClient(TestNetEndPoint)

	// create a WalletHelper from private key
	wh1, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromPrivateKey(client, privateKey)

	// create a WalletHelper from contract and key pair
	wh2, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromContract(client, testContract, pair)

	// create a WalletHelper from NEP2
	wh3, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromNEP2(client, nep2, password, 2, 1, 1)

	// create a WalletHelper from WIF
	wh4, err := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromWIF(client, wif)

	// create a WalletHelper from an existing wallet
	wh := wallet.NewWalletHelperFromWallet(client, w)

	// make transaction
	script := []byte{}
	ab := []wallet.AccountAndBalance{
			Account: testScriptHash,
			Value:   big.NewInt(1000000000000), // 10000 gas
	trx, err := wh.MakeTransaction(script, nil, nil, ab)

	// sign transaction
	var magic uint32 = 00000000
	trx, err := wh.SignTransaction(trx, magic)


4. Contributing

Any help is welcome! Please sign off your commits and pull requests, and add proper comments.

4.1 Lisense

This project is licensed under the MIT License.


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