A microblogging system residing in Firefox. It uses emails as underlying protocol for transmission of encrypted data. The system is therefore decentralized(because emails are so).
Microblog entries are encrypted point-to-point, those who have sent you the
subscription receives your new updates. Your new updates are signed with
your own private key to prevent anyone pretending to post microblogs like you,
or retweeting
microblogs in your name(but this also means you are responsible
for your words and will have no chance to delete them!).
(English version see above)
一个运行在火狐浏览器上的微博系统。本系统使用电子邮件作为传送加密数据的基础。由 于电子邮件的分布式特性,本系统也是分布式的。
新的微博是点到点加密的,订阅(加好友)的人才会收到你的新消息。你的新消息是使用 你自己的私钥签名的,这样别人无法伪造所谓的你的更新,也无法通过转载造假。但是, 这也意味着你将为自己的言行负责,并且无法删除已经发出去的内容!