PiCaChoo is an image (and video) viewer and organization tool. The Numpad or arrow keys can be used to move files into up to 8 different directories.
yarn install
yarn package
The built application can be found in out/$PLATFORM/picachoo
Run the application by passing the path of your input directory on the command line:
./picachoo ~/my-images
Then use the 8 "Browse..." buttons to choose the destination directory for each directional key.
- Home, End, Page Up, Page Down, Space: Navigate through the images of the input directory
- F5: Reload contents of input directory
- Numpad: Move current file into the directory configured for the corresponding direction. The Numpad 5 is neutral and will just navigate to the next file (same as Page Down and Space).
- Q, W, E, A, S, D, Z, X, C: Alternative to the numpad keys. This ignores the configured keyboard layout - for example, on a QWERTZ layout, the south-west direction would use the Y key instead of the Z key, so the keys are always arranged in a square.
- Arrow keys: Move current file into the directory configured for the corresponding direction. The diagonal directions can't be selected using the arrow keys.
- Backspace: Undo the last move. The number of undo operations is unlimited, but reloading the input directory using F5 will reset all undo information, so no moves that were done before the reload can be undone anymore.
- Incomplete error handling
- No mouse / touch control
- Source directory can only be specified on the command line
- Destination directories cannot be specified on the command line
- No INotify/... to watch input directory