Modern is a Standard C++ language projection for the Windows Runtime. The Modern compiler produces a header-only library designed to provide Standard C++ developers with first-class access to the modern Windows API.
This repository contains the libraries produced by the Modern compiler for the following targets. Each library contains a set of sample projects to get you started.
The complete Windows API (Windows.*) for Universal Windows apps based on the 10.0.10240 SDK.
The Windows API (Windows.*) for Universal Windows apps based on the 10.0.10240 SDK excluding the Windows.UI.Xaml namespace. This is a subset of the complete library for apps that don’t require XAML.
The complete Windows API (Windows.*) for Universal Windows apps based on the 8.1 SDK.
The Windows API (Windows.*) for Universal Windows apps based on the 8.1 SDK excluding the Windows.UI.Xaml namespace. This is a subset of the complete library for apps that don’t require XAML.